Step 3: Analysing the implications of gender-responsive strategic foresight and using its results

Foresight analysis is used to inform policymaking. In evaluations, strategic foresight can help examine the relevance of an intervention. It can test possible policy options against future conditions (future-proofing) to determine if and these should be modified to meet policy objectives and advance gender equality.

The following tips will help you analyse and report on the implications of gender-responsive strategic foresight.

Reflect on the implications of the foresight exercise for gender equality

  • To what extent are gender and intersectionality considerations present in the implications for the intervention/policy options?
  • Which priorities that foster gender equality will be funded? How will resources be allocated in relation to different priorities, including gender equality?
  • What will be measured to evaluate progress towards gender equality?

Report on the results of the gender-responsive strategic foresight exercise in the evaluation report

  • In your evaluation report, acknowledge the differences between the situations and needs of women and men in all their diversity within the policy area in question.
  • A gender-responsive strategic foresight exercise should be carried out in the context of a specific intervention or an assessment of policy options.
  • If necessary, summarise the key points and cross-reference additional documentation presented in an annex.
  • Go to Tool 10 to see more on reporting the results of the gender-responsive evaluation and preparing lessons learned.