Tool 7: Using gender-responsive strategic foresight in your evaluation

Foresight is the study of potential future developments by anticipating emerging trends and risks to plan for those possibilities.

Foresight involves an analysis to understand how the future may develop, how policymakers can shape that future and which decisions could stand across a range of futures.

This tool will help you conduct a strategic foresight analysis as part of your evaluation in a gender-responsive manner. It includes three steps:

  1. planning gender-responsive strategic foresight,
  2. implementing gender-responsive strategic foresight,
  3. analysing the implications of gender-responsive foresight.

The role of gender-responsive foresight in EU evaluations

It is important to bear in mind whose futures are being explored in foresight research and how it can be relevant to all groups – especially those who are under-represented. In particular, foresight studies should include issues that are important to women and men in all their diversity and should not view any specific group as victims but should consider all as drivers of change.