
  • Gender Equality Index 2024: Sustaining momentum on a fragile path

    Ursula von der Leyen made a ‘union of equality’, based on the principle of equality for all and equality in all its senses, a cornerstone of her mandate. Binding measures since 2019 have made significant strides in supporting the fundamental principle of equal pay for equal work, gender-balanced company boards, work–life balance, binding standards for equality bodies and combating violence...

    Gender Equality Index 2024: Sustaining Momentum on a Fragile Path
  • Good practices on gender mainstreaming in the European Green Deal: Towards a more gender-equal and greener Europe

    Climate change is one of the greatest environmental and development challenges facing the world today, and it has critical impacts on human rights and inequalities, including gender equality. To overcome these challenges, in 2019 the EU launched the European Green Deal (EGD) strategy, which sets out targets of no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 and economic growth decoupled...

    Good practices on gender mainstreaming in the European Green Deal: Towards a more gender-equal and greener Europe
  • Gender-responsive Evaluation for a Sustainable Future for All: GREENA step-by-step toolkit

    The gender-responsive evaluation for an environmental and sustainable future for all (GREENA) step-by-step toolkit provides practical know-how to assess gender impacts and the implementation of gender-responsive evaluation of EU policies and programmes. The toolkit has been contextualised to support the evaluation of European Green Deal policies with a gender perspective, given its relevance as a current EU priority and the...

    Gender-responsive Evaluation for a Sustainable Future for All: GREENA step-by-step toolkit
  • Gender-responsive Evaluation for a Sustainable Future for All: GREENA step-by-step toolkit for a green and gender-equal Europe

    The EU gender equality strategy acknowledges that the policies under the European Green Deal affect women and men differently. To leverage the full potential of green policies it is crucial to recognise the synergies between the European Green Deal and the EU gender equality strategy, and thus address the gender and intersectional dimension of these policies. A gender-responsive evaluation for...

    Gender-responsive Evaluation for a Sustainable Future for All: GREENA step-by-step toolkit for a green and gender-equal Europe
  • Fostering a gender and intersectional perspective in EU foresight

    Foresight is the method of anticipating future developments and potential risks to inform strategic planning. In the EU, foresight has been integrated into policymaking since 2021 to create evidence-based strategies that anticipate future trends, risks and opportunities. The EU is mandated to incorporate a gender perspective into all policies and activities to achieve gender equality, and foresight is no exception...

    Fostering a gender and intersectional perspective in EU foresight
  • Gender Equality Index 2023: Towards a green transition in transport and energy

    The Gender Equality Index 2023 presents the EU in relation to gender equality amid crises and uncertainties. In recent years, the world has been hit by repeated shocks and multiple crises. What remains constant is the fact that when crisis strikes, women and girls suffer disproportionally. The crises and shocks continuously threaten to create new challenges and reverse years of...

    Gender Equality Index 2023
  • Beijing +25 policy brief: Area K - Women and the environment: climate change is gendered

    The climate change policy agenda in the EU is driven by the EU’s 2020 climate and energy package, which sets out broad targets to be achieved by 2020. The EU is expected to integrate gender equality concerns into its climate change and other environmental policies. Furthermore, under the strategic engagement for gender equality (2016-2019), the Commission has committed to reporting...

    Beijing +25 policy brief: Area K - Women and the environment: climate change is gendered
  • Grey literature on environment and climate change

    Gender is relevant in all areas of environmental policy. Gender relations between women and men and girls and boys have an impact on who controls environmental resources. Gender is particularly relevant in climate protection policies.

    Grey literature on environment and climate change
  • Gender in environment and climate change

    Environment is a cross-cutting issue. Environmental change and climate change are increasingly caused by developments taking place at the global level, including those relating to demographics, patterns of production and trade, and rapid technological progress. Gender is considered particularly relevant in climate protection policies. Further information Environment and climate change on EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming platform EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming platform

    Gender in environment and climate change
  • EIGE’s methods and tools

    Gender mainstreaming methods and tools can be of vital assistance as they offer clear guidance on how to implement gender mainstreaming in practical terms. They support a systematic implementation of gender mainstreaming in a particular field of activity or sector. The aim of using gender mainstreaming methods and tools is to shape an organisation’s processes and operational workflows in such...

    EIGE’s methods and tools
  • What is gender mainstreaming?

    Gender mainstreaming has been embraced internationally as a strategy towards realising gender equality. It involves the integration of a gender perspective into the preparation, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, regulatory measures and spending programmes, with a view to promoting equality between women and men, and combating discrimination. Further information EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming Platform EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming Tools and...

    What is gender mainstreaming?
  • Gender Equality Training: Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit

    The ultimate goal of gender mainstreaming is advancing gender equality. Integrating gender concerns in policy decisions and their practical implementation is the responsibility of public authorities and institutions. Gender training makes a difference. If implemented systematically it facilitates more efficient actions towards gender equality and a positive change in the attitudes of policymakers. This gender equality training tool is designed...

    Gender Equality Training: Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit