Step 3: How to move forward with a gender-responsive evaluation

After considering Step 2, click on the situation that resonates most with the intervention you will evaluate, learn how to move forward with a gender-responsive evaluation.

If the principal objective of your intervention is gender equality and it adopted a gender perspective throughout the intervention cycle

Use the toolkit to assess if your intervention has achieved its gender equality objectives as planned, and if it has satisfactorily adopted a gender perspective:

  • use TOOL 6 and TOOL 8 to help you identify and assess gender impacts and the gender implications of environmental impacts;
  • consult TOOL 7 to ensure that the evaluated intervention is future-proof and supports a sustainable future for women and men in all their diversity.

Ensure that your evaluation adopts a gender perspective during:

If your intervention is not gender-targeted, but it is expected to have a positive impact on gender equality and implement gender mainstreaming

Use the toolkit to assess if your intervention has achieved its objectives in relation to gender equality as planned, and has satisfactorily adopted a gender perspective:

  • use TOOL 6 and TOOL 8 to help you identify and assess gender impacts and the gender implications of environmental impacts;
  • consult TOOL 7 to ensure that the evaluated intervention is future-proof and supports a sustainable future for women and men in all their diversity.

Ensure that your evaluation adopts a gender perspective during:

If intervention does not have a discernible impact on gender equality, but adoptes a ‘do no harm’ approach to gender equality

You may need to analyse gender impacts. Use the toolkit to identify any unintended gender impacts, whether positive or negative, to ensure that no gender inequalities were perpetuated or reinforced in the context of the intervention. If relevant, assess any corrective measures taken to avoid negative gender impacts:

  • use TOOL 6 and TOOL 8 to help you identify and assess gender impacts and the gender implications of environmental impacts;
  • consult TOOL 7 to ensure that the evaluated intervention is future-proof and supports a sustainable future for women and men in all their diversity.

Ensure that your evaluation adopts a gender perspective during:

If the intervention is gender-unaware, does not adopt a gender perspective and does not ensure a ‘do no harm’ approach to gender equality

You will need to analyse gender impacts. Use the toolkit to identify any unintended gender impacts, whether positive or negative, to ensure that no gender inequalities were perpetuated or reinforced in the context of the intervention:

  • use TOOL 6 and TOOL 8 to help you identify and assess gender impacts and the gender implications of environmental impacts;
  • consult TOOL 7 to ensure that the evaluated intervention is future-proof and supports a sustainable future for women and men in all their diversity.

Ensure that your evaluation adopts a gender perspective during: