4 items / 1 pages

  • VPPAR Business Women's Club/BPW Vilnius Chamber

    EIGE's Statistician, Davide Barbieri, attends the VPPAR Businees Women's Club to present the Gender Equality Index 2024.

  • European Commission study visit in Lithuania

    Head of EIGE Research and Policy Unit, Maruša Gortnar, welcomes the European Commission staff representatives during their study visit to Lithuania and introduces EIGE’s activities in fostering fair and inclusive societies.

  • Protection and Empowerment of Victims of Gender-Based and Domestic Violence

    EIGE's Director, Carlien Scheele, attends the event "Protection and Empowerment of Victims of Gender-Based and Domestic Violence," hosted by MEP Elena Kountoura. The event brings together EU policymakers, UN representatives, WAVE, and other key stakeholders to discuss challenges and legislative measures to protect victims and support the European Parliament’s ongoing efforts to reform the Victims’ Rights Directive.

  • Symposium on Victims' Rights in the EU: Identification and definition of victims in cross-border cases

    EIGE's gender-based violence team leader, Cristina Fabre, attends the Eurojust Working Group on Victims' Rights annual confernce, this year focused on the identification of victims in cross-border cases. EIGE will present the joint project with Eurojust on the implementation of the European Protection Order, as well as present the gender perspective in defining victims of specific crimes