The Gender Equality Forum: Putting the YOU into youth action for gender equality Imagine a world where gender equality is no longer an ideal but a reality. What would that look like for you and future generations? Equal pay, balanced leadership, freedom from violence, and opportunities that don’t depend on your gender? For young people across Europe, these aren’t just hopes, they’re demands. At the Gender Equality Forum 2024, you’ll have the chance... Topics Digital agenda Energy Environment and climate change Migration Youth Publication date 05 Dec 2024
Every woman deserves to be safe. But one in three women still experience violence in the EU. Every woman deserves to BE safe everywhere
Words Matter: Our new guide on gender-inclusive language and communication Language and communication play a pivotal role in shaping our attitudes and behaviours and norms in society. They hold significant potential for not only supporting but also promoting gender equality. This guide is designed to offer a broad and practical approach to using language and communication effectively to support gender equality. The aim is to strengthen the focus on both... Section Publications
Financial Independence and Gender Equality: Joining the dots between income, wealth, and power This report presents evidence on gender inequalities in financial independence in the EU, with a particular focus on how financial independence has been defined and measured. It also presents evidence on the impact of tax–benefit systems in EU Member States on gender inequalities in financial independence and explores consequences associated with financial dependence, including economic violence. The report finds that... Topics Economic and financial affairs Employment Poverty Violence Publication date 06 May 2024
Good practices on gender mainstreaming in the European Green Deal: Towards a more gender-equal and greener Europe Climate change is one of the greatest environmental and development challenges facing the world today, and it has critical impacts on human rights and inequalities, including gender equality. To overcome these challenges, in 2019 the EU launched the European Green Deal (EGD) strategy, which sets out targets of no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 and economic growth decoupled... Topics Economic and financial affairs Employment Environment and climate change Regional policy Publication date 18 Oct 2024
Gender-responsive evaluation for a sustainable future for all The GREENA step-by-step toolkit provides practical know-how to assess gender impacts and the implementation of gender-responsive evaluation of EU policies and programmes. The toolkit has been contextualised to support the evaluation of the European Green Deal policies with a gender perspective, given its relevance as a current EU priority and the urgency to ensure a gender-responsive green transition. Section Gender mainstreaming
How you can help build a safer Europe for young women: Addressing violence against women at the Gender Equality Forum Every woman deserves to be and feel safe in the European Union. Yet young women are at higher risk of gender-based violence, according to new research from Eurostat, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and EIGE. Topics Digital agenda Youth Violence Publication date 29 Nov 2024
Tackling cyber violence against women and girls: The role of digital platforms Digital platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, X and Reddit are forums for public and private expression and social interaction, and they provide many other useful services. However, the online space is not always welcoming to everyone. In an environment of pseudo-anonymity and limited accountability, pervasive exclusionary and harmful narratives are often unleashed. Spreading virally, these practices are categorised as cyber... Topics Digital agenda Health Justice Youth Violence Publication date 09 Dec 2024