EIGE seeks to conclude a framework contract with company/ies capable of providing a wide range of services related to the strategic development of EIGE’s Communications Lab (Comms Lab) project including collection of evidence on effective communication around gender equality, building platform for exchange & learning, and development of recommendations. Through a Comms Lab approach, EIGE aims to foster an open...
The project commissioned through this invitation to tender is undertaken within the scope of EIGE’s 2024-2026 Single Programming Document, which states that EIGE will continue to build on its reputation as a knowledge centre by continuing to provide high-quality research and data for evidence-based policy-making and gender mainstreaming. This procedure seeks to meet the increased need for high quality, sex-disaggregated...
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) envisages awarding a middle-value contract for a study on girls’ experiences of cyber violence in support to Cyprus Presidency of Council of the European Union. Building on EIGE’s work to develop a conceptual and measurement framework of cyber violence the study will seek to foster understanding of girls’ and young women’s? experiences of...
EIGE launches this call for tender with a goal to contribute to the update of existing EU-wide guidelines for employers on gender-neutral job evaluation and classification systems gender-neutral job evaluation and classification systems to eliminate gender-based pay discrimination and ensure equal pay for the same work or work of equal value. The main target groups for the products to be...
EIGE launches this call for tender with a goal to conclude a framework service contract for provision of cleaning services. The purpose of the technical specifications is to describe the cleaning services to be provided in the Europe House, in Vilnius jointly occupied by the European Institutions (the EU Institutions) the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) / Leading Contracting...
Dear economic operators, In relation to our recent post regarding the new tender for ‘ Provision of Cleaning Services for Europe House in Vilnius’. EIGE is organising an open day which will include a general site visit of some of the tender’s premises and summary of administrative documentation as per the technical specifications. In order to participate please send an...
EIGE seeks to conclude a framework contract(s) with professional company/ies capable of providing a wide range of services related to the monitoring of citations to EIGE. The overall objective of this process is to allow EIGE to better comprehend stakeholders’ use of EIGE data, evidence and outputs and thereby to produce more targeted outputs which fit better the needs of...
The European Institute for Gender Equality, the regulatory agency of the European Union, (referred to below as the contracting authority) is planning to award the contract(s) resulting from the above procurement procedure. The overall objective of the contract is the implementation of survey data on gender gaps in unpaid care, individual and social activities (CARE) – 2nd wave data collection...
Description of the contract The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) envisages awarding a low-value contract for ‘ Contextual factors to gender-based violence in the EU- a study towards the Gender Equality Index 2024 Thematic Focus’. EIGE launches this call for tender in order to contract a professional service provider that will carry out a study on the legal, policy...
EIGE seeks to conclude a framework contract(s) with professional company/ies capable of providing a wide range of services to support EIGE’s work on the Gender Equality Index. The overall objective is to contribute to stronger evidence based policy-making in the EU and Member States in the area of gender equality by providing the evidence on the major achievements and setbacks...
This tender is announced with a view to select the best proposal for the sixth EU wide review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action – Beijing+30. The study will serve as a basis for EIGE’s report to the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU in the first semester of 2025. The overall objective of the...
Description of the contract The European Institute for Gender Equality (henceforth EIGE) envisages awarding a middle-value contract for Gender-based violence in times of crises. To this end, EIGE launches this call for tender to contract a professional service provider that will carry out an initial mapping of legislation and policy instruments on the topic of gender-based violence (GBV) in times...