
  • Gender Equality Index 2022: Gender Equality under Threat, Specific Groups Hardest Hit

    The freshly launched Gender Equality Index 2022 reveals that progress continues at a snails' pace, with a mere 0.6-point increase since last year's edition. The scores present strong warning signs amid continued uncertainty and turmoil.

    Mixed race family working from home
  • GRPP: Four letters can unlock €2 trillion to accelerate our drive towards gender equality

    Each year the EU spends 14% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on public works, from building projects to social infrastructure. Smart targeting of that €2 trillion in public funds and considering how it impacts the lives of both women and men is the essence of Gender-responsive public procurement, or GRPP.

    Illustrated hands holding each other next to a text "Gender equality and public procurement work hand in hand"
  • Three steps forward towards an equal sharing of unpaid care

    Today, one-in-three people across the EU are unpaid informal carers for family members or friends in need due to health problems and/or disability, according to EIGE’s upcoming Gender Equality Index report.

    Father putting on different socks to his little daughter with Down syndrome when sitting on bed at home
  • EU Justice and Home Affairs agencies present concrete actions in support of Ukraine

    The European Union agencies active in the field of justice and home affairs issue a joint paper on their contribution to the EU’s solidarity with Ukraine. Since the start of the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, the EU Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) agencies ( CEPOL, EIGE, EMCDDA, EUAA, eu-LISA, Eurojust, Europol, FRA and Frontex) have been supporting EU Member...

  • How Spain and the EU can take steps forward for gender equality

    We need to move forward faster Progressive new policies are helping improve gender equality for the people of Spain. But the country’s leading voice on women’s rights admits, “we need to move forward faster.” Now we all share concerns over economic hardships leading to increased risks of poverty and job insecurity. Still, today in Spain women also assume most of...

    Antonia Morillas photo
  • Are you ready to take #3StepsForward for gender equality?

    Achieving equality between women and men makes everyone better off. We have come a long way, but there’s still more to do. Let’s shape an economy where gender equality, social fairness and prosperity go hand in hand. #3StepsForward is how policymakers, business leaders and individuals can unite to build a fairer future. We all have a role to play. Join...

    #3stepsforward campaign promotional image
  • Almost 1 in 2 women in the EU have experienced psychological violence

    EIGE’s latest report on coercive control and psychological violence across the EU Member States proves high prevalence. However, increased criminalisation measures are starting to be put in place. More needs to be done.

    A young woman looks distressed while a young man looks at her behind her back
  • EIGE welcomes the election of Tanja Auvinen as the Chair of EIGE’s 6th Management Board

    It is our great pleasure to congratulate Tanja Auvinen, Finland, on being elected as Chair of the Board, and Kira Appel, Denmark, on being elected as Vice-Chair of the Board following the first meeting of EIGE’s Management Board, held on 16-17 of June 2022. We would also like to extend a warm welcome to the new members who have joined...

    Tanja Auvinen
  • EIGE’s Resource and Documentation Centre enters a new era

    EIGE’s Resources and Documentation Centre (RDC) is undergoing a transformation to better address the needs of its users. After more than eleven successful years, the Resource and Documentation Centre will further develop its knowledge management dimensions. For EIGE’s library, this transformation means that EIGE will donate a large number of books from its collection to Vilnius University library. Resources are...

    Several hands building a puzzle together seen from above
  • Economic growth and gender equality go hand in hand: Spain-EIGE meetings

    Improving gender equality is one of the key ways to improve a country’s economy. This message resonated during the recent meetings between the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and Irene Montero, Spain’s Minister for Equality.

    Young girl in a crowd with the Spanish draped over her back