
  • COP28 and beyond: Five tips for gender-inclusive climate reporting

    Hectares of newsprint and hours of screentime are dedicated to COP28. It’s little surprise as the calls for action on climate change and gender equality grow ever more urgent. “Good journalism is crucial for raising awareness,” says Dennis Van Der Veur, EIGE’s Head of Outreach and Engagement.

    Image from COP 28
  • Gender equality @ COP28: a newsfeed

    EIGE is attending COP28 to highlight the connection between gender equality and the environment. And to raise awareness about the need to incorporate a gender perspective into climate-related policies. Follow along as Dennis Van Der Veur, EIGE's Head of Outreach and Engagement, shares his insights in regular updates in this newsfeed. 14/12/2023: COP28 has come to an end – 198...

    Dennis Van Der Veur at COP28
  • Why Lawmakers and Business Leaders Need to Look at Green Behaviour

    As someone who cares for the environment, you know that recycling, turning down the heating and walking to work is good for the planet. Those individual acts are important on our journey to net zero. But to have a lasting impact, we need to have bigger and bolder ideas about behaviour change. “In the Gender Equality Index, we see a...

    Environmental activist painting "There is no planet B" banner on global warming protest
  • EU gender equality reaches new milestone: is progress accelerating?

    Ten years ago, EIGE introduced the Gender Equality Index as a marker for the status quo of gender equality in the EU. In this year’s edition we see the biggest annual jump in the overall score in the history of the Index ever.

    Young woman's face with wind turbines
  • Three steps forward in closing the gender gap in climate leadership 

    More women and diverse representation in the decision-making process is critical for the fight against climate change. Fewer than one in three senior ministers responsible for the policy areas of the European Green Deal are women. EIGE launches a Climate Inspiration section as part of its campaign #3StepsForward – which will include voices and perspectives from leaders promoting closing the...

    Multi-ethnic office conference room meeting
  • Climate change won’t wait, it’s time to take #3StepsForward to a green, gender-equal Europe

    Today, EIGE launches its #3StepsForward campaign for 2023. We call for policy and decision-makers to deliver a fair, green and inclusive future, where no one is left behind. The European Green Deal is a commitment to future generations that mobilises at least €1 trillion in investments over the next ten years. It is also an opportunity for us all to...

    Green deal campaign image