
  • EU Roadmap for Women’s Rights: What you need to know

    What is the EU Roadmap for Women’s Rights And What Role Does EIGE Play? The EU Roadmap for Women’s Rights is the European Commission's new, ambitious plan to advance gender equality across Europe. It builds on past achievements and paves the way for a post-2025 Gender Equality Strategy. The roadmap reinforces commitments to women’s rights and ensures gender equality remains...

    Illustration of two women walking along a street lined with various symbols of work, learning and innovation
  • How can we accelerate action for gender equality?

    This International Women’s Day, EIGE is calling on everyone to step forward and help #AccelerateAction for gender equality. At the current rate of progress, it will take more or less 60 years from now for Europe to reach full gender equality.

    International Women's Day and European Institute for Gender Equality logos side by side on a dark purple background
  • Gender Equality Forum 2024: Chair Statement

    In the face of changing and challenging times in Europe, we need to protect our Union of Equality more than ever before. The Gender Equality Forum 2024 proved that no one in our community is settling or giving up. This Chair Statement outlines the key learnings and outcomes from the inspiring sessions and workshops held during the two-day event, to...

    EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele at the Gender Equality Forum 2024
  • The Gender Equality Forum: Putting the YOU into youth action for gender equality

    Imagine a world where gender equality is no longer an ideal but a reality. What would that look like for you and future generations? Equal pay, balanced leadership, freedom from violence, and opportunities that don’t depend on your gender? For young people across Europe, these aren’t just hopes, they’re demands. At the Gender Equality Forum 2024, you’ll have the chance...

    Two illustrated young people looking happy, one is having a video call
  • Your Words Matter: A new guide on gender-inclusive language and communication

    Looking at this photo, what are your initial thoughts about a woman in this specific context? Which of the following contributing factors do you think influenced your reaction? Answer(s):  Gender stereotypes Gender bias Gender roles and expectations All the above Next, identify the main issue with this scenario: In a university physics class there is one woman and ten men...

    Illustration of three people of different genders and ethnicities with speech bubbles above their heads
  • How you can help build a safer Europe for young women

    Every woman deserves to be and feel safe in the European Union. Yet young women are at higher risk of gender-based violence, according to new research from Eurostat, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and EIGE.

    Stylised illustration of three women of different ages and ethnicities standing together with a resolute look on their faces
  • One in three women in the EU have experienced violence

    A third of women in the EU have experienced violence at home, at work or in public. Yet violence against women often remains invisible as only every fourth woman reports incidents to the authorities (the police, or social, health or support services).

    Abstract blue and purple swirls next to the EU Gender-Based Violence Survey logo and the logos of Eurostat, FRA and EIGE
  • Celebrate men and boys as allies for gender equality!

    Today is International Men’s Day, raising awareness of often-overlooked issues. It's a call for action to address the unique gender equality challenges men and boys face worldwide. And this year the focus is on men’s health. It coincides with Movember. This month of moustache growing raises cash and awareness for prostate and testicular cancers, and male suicide. Beyond this, International...

    Illustration of several men smiling
  • Change making conversations: coming up at the Gender Equality Forum 2024

    Gender equality, a basic human right, is still 60 years away. In other words, resources and opportunities are not equally accessible for all. Dreams and ambitions are deferred or downright dismissed. But together, we have the tools and talents to break down those barriers for good, and make change happen. This December in Brussels, our agency is organising the Gender...

    A crowd following a session at the Gender Equality Forum 2022
  • EIGE launches updated guidance on how to collect gender equality data

    Today, the Agency is publishing “Quality considerations for EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database (2nd edition): evolving trends in producing gender equality data and intersectional perspectives”. It now includes guidance around best practices for collecting data relating to sex, gender identity and other intersecting inequalities. The publication is one of the many follow-ups to discussions during EIGE’s 2022 Gender Equality Forum including...