
  • Combating gender-based violence seriously hampered by data gaps

    Also available in BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV Subject: In connection with the launch of the EU-wide research on Administrative Data Sources on gender-based violence, 19-20 March, Vilnius, Lithuania Combating gender-based violence seriously hampered by data gaps Experts on data collection from...

  • EU is not even halfway towards gender equality in decision-making

    The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) marks the International Women’s Day by presenting the Institute’s research in the area of women and decision-making to representatives of Lithuanian Government, embassies and non-governmental organisations. “ Elections to the European Parliament will be held in May and the first Gender Equality Index for the European Union shows that the biggest gender gap...

  • Radio plays out-of-tune when it comes to gender equality

    When it comes to gender equality, EIGE’s study shows that radio is not yet a fully gender-equal environment. The radio plays out-of-tune when it comes to the representation of women at decision-making level. There are only 34 % of women among the top level decision-makers in the 10 radio stations that were included in EIGE’s study. Only 16% of the...

  • Commemorative badge for the contribution to Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU

    Jurgita Pečiūrienė, EIGE’s Gender Expert and member of the gender-based violence team receives the commemorative badge for the contribution to Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU from the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė. EIGE provides access to existing statistics data and information on gender-based violence, aiming to support the institutions and experts engaged in preventing and combating gender-based...

  • The Council of the European Union calls on the Member States to progress with gender training

    The importance of gender training was emphasised in the Council conclusions on the effectiveness of institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women and gender equality adopted during the meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council meeting on 9-10 December 2013 in Brussels. Generally, the Member States were called upon to strengthen efforts to mainstream gender equality...

  • New Report: Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of gender equality in connection with the Council Conclusions

    Gender equality in the EU is facing serious challenges The advancement of gender equality in the EU is unlikely without effective national structures dedicated to this area. “EIGE’s research points out that although equality between women and men is recognised as a fundamental principle of the European Union and a precondition for its sustainable development, the tendency to marginalise national...

  • Reflections from conference "Eliminating Violence Against Women in Europe – Intersectoral Approaches and Actions"

    At the conference “ Eliminating Violence Against Women in Europe – Intersectoral Approaches and Actions” organised by EIGE, WHO Europe and the City of Vienna that started on this year’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 217 participants from a large variety of sectors and countries discussed approaches towards gender-based violence (GBV). During highly informative presentations and...

  • Eliminating Violence against Women in Europe Intersectoral Approaches and Actions - Press release

    Copenhagen, Vienna and Vilnius, 25 November 2013 A quarter of all women in the WHO European Region experience physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner. Today, on the first day of the 16-day global campaign of Activism Against Gender Violence, the City of Vienna, with the European Institute for Gender Equality and the WHO Regional Office for Europe, will...

  • Sneak peek into the in-depth study results: Investing in gender capacity

    The final report of EIGE’s in-depth research on gender training is due in the beginning of 2014. The researchers are working hard to analyse the data collected while exploring the good practices in Sweden, Greece, Germany, Austria and Finland. Herewith we offer you a sneak peek into the final results of the study. It very much looks like one needs...

  • Gateway to EU gender equality knowledge launched

    Knowledge available at the right time to the right people When one needs to find the right information on gender equality in the EU, then EIGE is the place to be. The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) today launched its Resource and Documentation Centre (RDC) with an EU-wide conference in Vilnius in the presence of EU Commissioner for Research...

  • Visit to EIGE by the European Parliament's Committee on Budgets

    The European Institute for Gender Equality welcomes the EP Committee on Budgets forits first visit to EIGE, on 18 Sep 2013. Being a young institution, the visit is of outmost importance to a common understanding on the tasks assigned to the Institute and the availability of the budget that matches these tasks. [img_assist|nid=6696|title=|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=100|height=75] [img_assist|nid=6697|title=|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=100|height=75][img_assist|nid=6698|title=|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=100|height=75] Budgetary controls were among the first...

  • Women under-represented in decision-making in media organisations

    Women hold only 22% of strategic decision-making posts in the public media and only 12% in the private media organisations in the EU-27 – as the research of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) shows. ‘Increased number of women in the decision-making structures of media organisations would bring social justice, better use of talents and innovative decisions. It would...