• Enterprise Ireland 2020 Action Plan for women in Business; fuelling growth through diversity – Enterprise Ireland (IE)

    The government’s trade and innovation agency, Enterprise Ireland, launched the “2020 Action Plan for Women in Business: Fuelling growth through diversity”. The Action Plan aims to drive national economic success by increasing the participation of women in entrepreneurship and business leadership, creating funding that targets women entrepreneurs and women researchers with the potential to advance their research into viable business...

  • Gender Equality in the National R&I Funding Programme FUSION – Malta Council for Science and Technology (MT)

    The national R&I funding programme, FUSION, is managed by the MCST. The funding rules were revised in 2017 to make the implementation of gender equality the decisive factor in cases where two or more research projects score the same in their evaluation. The specific provision states that “if two or more projects obtain the same mark following evaluation, then [the]...

  • Spokesperson budget – DFG (German Research Foundation) (DE)

    In order to promote the visibility of women in decision-making positions, the Joint Committee of the DFG decided to introduce a special budget for DFG-funded research networks. Since the beginning of 2021, networks whose spokesperson/coordinator belongs to an underrepresented gender at leadership level can apply for additional, uncommitted funding of EUR 80,000 per funding year. The DFG regularly publishes information...

  • Gender in Research Fellowship – The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) (NL)

    Quality healthcare requires integrating a sex and gender dimension in all aspects of health research and clinical practice. ZonMw and the Erasmus Summer Programme (ESP) offered a joint programme to further knowledge and skills in gender, health and research, through “Gender in Research” workshops and a “Gender and Health” course.The ZonMw “Gender and Health Knowledge Programme” provided up to 20...

  • Women and Science Committee – Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (ES)

    In 2002, the CSIC Governing Board approved the Women and Science Committee. The Committee advises the presidency of the CSIC on issues related to recruitment and career promotion of women researchers, identifies problems and analyses causes hindering women’s access and career progression. It also analyses historical biases and gaps due to the deficit of women in scientific institutions and in...

  • Equal funding of innovations – VINNOVA (SE)

    Every year, the Swedish Innovation Agency, VINNOVA, invests approximately SEK 3 billion in research and innovation. Since 2015, it has successfully integrated a gender perspective in its activities and promoted gender equality in the distribution of funds for research and innovation. VINNOVA makes an effort to include gender perspectives in the projects financed, recognising gender equality as a prerequisite for...

  • Model for equal distribution of research funds – Kristianstad University (HKR) (SE)

    Since 2016, HKR has successfully worked with a model for equal distribution of internal research resources. The work started with a revision of the existing resource allocation model, as the old model was considered outdated. The earlier model resulted in an economical budget deficit for the university and allocated resources based on position (i.e. a fixed share of working hours...

  • GenderResearch4COVID-19 support – Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) & Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) (PT)

    This initiative is based on a protocol between FCT and the national Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) established in 2008, which aims at the development of public policies to promote GE as well as strengthening research activities for the advancement of scientific knowledge in GE. FCT and CIG are also responsible for the initiative The GenderResearch4COVID-19 support. It...

  • GEP – Pavol Jozef Safarik University (UPJS), Kosice (SK)

    Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice was the first Slovak university to voluntarily prepare a gender equality strategy. In 2017, a working group consisting of five people from several faculties was formed, on the initiative of top management. The group undertook a gender audit, analyses of numerous international documents, studies and report and qualitative surveys before drafting the Gender Equality...

  • GEP – VRVis (Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung) (AT)

    The GEP developed and implemented by VRVis included concrete targets for structural and cultural change in the organisation. It sought to increase stakeholder and staff awareness of the underrepresentation of women at VRVis through training and internal information. It also targeted at least 25 % women researchers and an increased share of women in decision-making processes. The GEP measures were...

  • GEP development – Plovdiv University (BG)

    As a partner in SPEAR, Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski (PU) began to develop its institutional GEP. Gender equality had never been a matter of concern at PU and no gender work or capacity-building had taken place prior to its participation in SPEAR. Researchers started with interviews, workshops, discussions and other initiatives to get in-depth information about staff and management attitudes...

  • Gender Equality Plan 2019–2020 – Central European University (CEU) (HU/AT)

    CEU’s first GEP (2019–2022) was developed within the framework of the SUPERA project. The GEP is a step forward in the institutional gender equality framework of the CEU and covers objectives in eight gender equality priority areas: (1) gender equality in CEU’s mission, leadership and access to decision-making, (2) gender equality in recruitment, retention and career progression, including (3) availability...