
  • How can we accelerate action for gender equality?

    This International Women’s Day, EIGE is calling on everyone to step forward and help #AccelerateAction for gender equality. At the current rate of progress, it will take more or less 60 years from now for Europe to reach full gender equality.

    International Women's Day and European Institute for Gender Equality logos side by side on a dark purple background
  • Gender Equality Index 2024: Sustaining momentum on a fragile path

    Ursula von der Leyen made a ‘union of equality’, based on the principle of equality for all and equality in all its senses, a cornerstone of her mandate. Binding measures since 2019 have made significant strides in supporting the fundamental principle of equal pay for equal work, gender-balanced company boards, work–life balance, binding standards for equality bodies and combating violence...

    Gender Equality Index 2024: Sustaining Momentum on a Fragile Path
  • Gender Equality Index 2023: Towards a green transition in transport and energy

    The Gender Equality Index 2023 presents the EU in relation to gender equality amid crises and uncertainties. In recent years, the world has been hit by repeated shocks and multiple crises. What remains constant is the fact that when crisis strikes, women and girls suffer disproportionally. The crises and shocks continuously threaten to create new challenges and reverse years of...

    Gender Equality Index 2023
  • Grey literature on culture

    Culture can be defined as the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people. Gender aspects are relevant to the broad definition of culture as a ‘social construction’ and to the ways in which cultural policy is designed and implemented. This is because cultural rights are human rights, and therefore the rights of both women and men...

    Grey literature on culture
  • Phrases

    Phrases to look out for – try swapping the order of these phrases sometimes King and Queen Lord and Lady Mother and father Boys and girls Men and women Sir/Madam Brother and sister Husband and wife Ladies and gentlemen Boyfriend and girlfriend Turns of phrase which exclude women Gender-discriminatory Better Master of ceremonies Host A man’s home is his castle...

  • Examples of common gendered nouns and alternatives

    Gendered nouns Alternatives Businessman or businesswoman Business executive Chairwoman or chairman Chair or chairperson Female lawyer Lawyer Policeman or policewoman Police officer Repairman Repairer, technician Steward or Stewardess Flight attendant Salesman Salesperson, sales clerk Workman Worker Man Person, individual, human being Mankind Humanity, human beings, people, men and women Spokesman Spokesperson, representative Manpower Workforce, human power, labour force, workers Cameraman...

  • Solutions for how to use gender-sensitive language

    Gendered pronouns (he or she) He/she; she/he; he or she; she or he; s/he His/her; her/his; his or her; her or his. Use the third person plural (‘they’). Use gender-neutral pronouns, such as “ze”. Rephrase to omit pronoun. Replace with definite article (the) or indefinite article (a). Information about gender and gendered nouns (“female lawyer”) Do not provide irrelevant information...

  • Examples of common adjectives that carry a gender connotation and alternatives

    Gendered adjectives Alternatives Bossy or pushy Assertive Emotional or hormonal Passionate, enthusiastic, empathetic Ditsy Silly Frigid (no male equivalent) Lacking sexual responsiveness Frumpy Dowdy and old fashioned Shrill High pitched, grating voice Loose (no male equivalent) Having sexual confidence Hysterical Irrational Mumsy Dowdy and old fashioned Virile Strong, energetic

  • Toolkit on gender-sensitive communication

    A resource for policymakers, legislators, media and anyone else with an interest in making their communication more inclusive Language is a reflection of the attitudes, behaviours and norms within a society. It also shapes people’s attitudes as to what is ‘normal’ and acceptable. Women play an active role in society, yet – all too often – we use language that...

    Toolkit on gender-sensitive communication (PDF) updated 11 2019
  • Patronising language

    One example of trivialisation is the additions of diminutive affixes to denote that the referent is female. Gender-sensitive writers should avoid these expressions as they can trivialise women. Example Gender-discriminatory language The usherette helped me to my seat just as the actress came on stage. Gender-sensitive language The usher helped me to my seat just as the actor came on...

  • Naming conventions

    Traditional titles for women, Mrs (married) or Miss (single), used to refer to their marital status, whereas the term for men, Mr, was neutral in this regard (either married or single). This naming convention signals a woman’s relationship to a man within her name, inviting the hearer to consider this as part of who she is, rather than presenting her...

  • Greetings and other forms of inclusive communication

    There are many ways to make sure that all your communication material feels like it is aimed at all people, not just one gender. When creating a piece of communication material, consider: Choice of voice-over artist. Consider if the gender of the voice-over is perpetuating stereotypes, such as using only a male voice to impart information. Aim for a mix...