Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States: Women and the Media This publication summarises the findings of the report ’Advancing gender equality in decision-making in media organisations. Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States’. The report explores the extent to which women occupy decision-making...
This report was prepared for theEIGE by ICF GHK as part of the contract ‘Gender Training in the European Union: Mapping, Research and Stakeholders’ Engagement’. It maps the policies and practices of gender training in the European Union. The work on this publication was coordinated by EIGE’s Gender Mainstreaming Team. Related publication: Mapping of gender training policies and practices in...
Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States: Women and the Media The current report is the first one to deliver comparable data on the number of women in decision-making positions across major media organisations in the 27 EU Member States and Croatia. Further to this, the report identifies the extent to which...
This publication summarises the interim findings of the two-year study on ‘Gender training in the European Union: Mapping, research and stakeholders’ engagement (2012-2013)‘. It maps the policies and practices of gender training in the European Union. Country fact sheets Belgium Greece Lithuania Portugal Bulgaria Spain Luxembourg Romania Czech Republic France Hungary Slovenia Denmark Croatia Malta Slovakia Germany Italy Netherlands Finland...
Mainstreaming Gender into the Policies and the Programmes of the Institutions of European Union and EU Member States This publication intends to present the EIGE’s approach to collecting, processing and disseminating good practices in gender mainstreaming.This publication is the result of contributions made by the EIGE’s Thematic Network on Gender Mainstreaming, Expert’s Forum members, EIGE staff and the findings of...