This publication presents the final report of the in‑depth study conducted in the second year of the European Institute for Gender Equality’s project on gender equality training. It examines the issue of the effectiveness of gender equality training in supporting the implementation of gender mainstreaming. Interactive gender equality training tool Database of resources on gender equality training
Would you feel a need to double-check the difference between “ gender balance” and “ gender parity”? Are you looking for an easy-to-use tool where all these words are explained? Now you can access all gender terms and concepts in one place. EIGE’s online Gender Equality Glossary and Thesaurus features over 400 accurate, up-to-date and gender-sensitive definitions. The glossary and...
Does gender equality feature in your work? Whether you work in fisheries, transport or any other area of the society, it should always be there! With EIGE’s new platform, there are no more excuses to ignore gender concerns. We show you how to mainstream gender, tailor-made for your field. “EIGE’s Gender Mainstreaming Platform presents the different challenges for gender equality...
What does gender mainstreaming have to do with…Sport? Agriculture? Energy? Transport? Gender gaps and inequalities between women and men exist across all areas of society and impact on our daily lives – in classrooms, on the sports field and on public transport. This leaflet provides a basic introduction to what gender mainstreaming is and how it works. It also contains...
EIGE’s EU-wide online Gender Equality Glossary and Thesaurus will soon house essential gender-related terms all in one place. You will be able to find over 350 accurate, up-to-date and gender-sensitive definitions. The Glossary and Thesaurus is a step towards ending confusion around key terms. It will foster a common understanding of gender equality concepts amongst Member States and suggest preferred...
This publication summarises the findings of the in-depth study of gender-equality training performed in the framework of EIGE’s 2-year project, Gender Training in the European Union: Mapping, Research and Stakeholders’ Engagement. The in-depth study looks at the preconditions and factors contributing to effective training delivery. Effective gender equality training: Synthesis report Database of resources on gender equality training