
  • Gender Equality Index 2017: Methodological Report

    The Gender Equality Index is a comprehensive measure for monitoring progress in gender equality across the EU over time. It measures gender gaps and takes into account the context and different levels of achievement of Member States across a range of relevant policy areas. It shows the different outcomes of EU and national policies for women and men and contributes...

  • Gender Equality Index 2017 in brief: A snail’s pace towards gender equality

    Gender equality is a fundamental value of the European Union and is essential for its development, growth and cohesion. As such, measuring progress in gender equality is an integral part of effective policymaking. Since its launch in 2013, the Gender Equality Index of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has been recognised for its notable contribution to policy debates...

  • Gender Equality Index 2017: Measuring gender equality in the European Union 2005-2015 - Main findings

    Gender equality is a fundamental value of the European Union and is essential for its development, growth and cohesion. As such, measuring progress in gender equality is an integral part of effective policymaking. Since its launch in 2013, the Gender Equality Index of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has been recognised for its notable contribution to policy debates...

  • Gender Equality Index 2017: Measuring gender equality in the European Union 2005-2015 - Report

    This report documents the third edition of the Gender Equality Index of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). Since its launch in 2013, the Gender Equality Index has been recognised for its notable contribution to policy debates and increased awareness about gender equality at the EU and national levels. The Index is a comprehensive measure for assessing the state...

  • Note on prevalence surveys on rape and intimate partner violence in the EU-28

    Violence against women is rooted in women’s unequal status in society, and that status reflects the unequal distribution of social, political and economic power between women and men in society. The collection of data on the prevalence of rape and intimate partner violence (IPV) is key to establishing and evaluating effective prevention measures. Detailed, accurate and comprehensive data is required...

  • Cyber violence against women and girls

    The increasing reach of the internet, the rapid spread of mobile information, and the widespread use of social media, coupled with the existing pandemic of violence against women and girls (VAWG), has led to the emergence of cyber VAWG as a growing global problem with potentially significant economic and societal consequences. Research shows that one in three women will have...

  • Glossary of definitions of rape, femicide and intimate partner violence

    The Glossary of definitions of rape, femicide and intimate partner violence has been prepared within the scope of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) "Study on terminology and indicators for data collection on rape, femicide and intimate partner violence". The Glossary provides a detailed overview of the identified European, international and national definitions of rape, femicide and IPV and...

  • Administrative data collection on rape, femicide and intimate partner violence in EU Member States

    Administrative data comprises information collected by institutions such as the police, justice system, health and social services and other agencies that come into contact with cases of violence against women (VAW). The police and the justice systems are the most advanced in the availability, quality and comparability of administrative data on violence against women. Further information EIGE's publications on gender-based...

  • Recommendations for the EU to improve data collection on violence against women

    These recommendations aim to improve the comparability and reliability of administrative data collection on rape, femicide and intimate partner violence. The objective is not to achieve perfect comparability but to address the most critical issues in data collection and ensure that key data on these three forms of violence are available. Achieving this goal would provide an EU-wide overview of...

  • Combating violence against women: Slovenia

    Violence against women is rooted in women’s unequal status in society, and that status reflects the unbalanced distribution of social, political, and economic power among women and men in society. It is one of the most pervasive human rights violations of our time and a form of discrimination that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, psychological...

  • Crime and criminal justice statistics on violence against women (VAW): Good practices on administrative data collection on VAW

    Violence against women (VAW) is a violation of human rights. Its very nature deprives women of their ability to enjoy fundamental freedoms. Administrative data collection can be used as a tool for policy formulation and evaluation and for developing effective strategies on preventing and combating VAW. Further information Data collection on gender-based violence Good practices on administrative data on violence...

  • Female genital mutilation: Good practices on collecting administrative data on female genital mutilation

    In the EU-28 there are no ongoing, systematic, representative surveys that use a harmonised approach to gather data on the prevalence of female genital mutilation (FGM). In the absence or unavailability of national FGM prevalence figures, it is possible to estimate the prevalence of FGM by collating information from administrative records. Further information Data collection on gender-based violence Good practices...