
  • Gender-responsive Evaluation for a Sustainable Future for All: GREENA step-by-step toolkit

    The gender-responsive evaluation for an environmental and sustainable future for all (GREENA) step-by-step toolkit provides practical know-how to assess gender impacts and the implementation of gender-responsive evaluation of EU policies and programmes. The toolkit has been contextualised to support the evaluation of European Green Deal policies with a gender perspective, given its relevance as a current EU priority and the...

  • Gender-responsive Evaluation for a Sustainable Future for All: GREENA step-by-step toolkit for a green and gender-equal Europe

    The EU gender equality strategy acknowledges that the policies under the European Green Deal affect women and men differently. To leverage the full potential of green policies it is crucial to recognise the synergies between the European Green Deal and the EU gender equality strategy, and thus address the gender and intersectional dimension of these policies. A gender-responsive evaluation for...

  • Gender equality in the European Parliament and in national parliaments in the European Union: 2023 state of play

    This report assesses the state of gender equality in the European Parliament and in national parliaments in the European Union (EU). Achieving gender-sensitive parliaments requires prioritising gender equality as a social, political and economic objective and transforming parliaments’ culture, processes, practices and outputs towards advancing gender equality. The report presents the findings of the second European Institute for Gender Equality...

  • Fostering a gender and intersectional perspective in EU foresight

    Foresight is the method of anticipating future developments and potential risks to inform strategic planning. In the EU, foresight has been integrated into policymaking since 2021 to create evidence-based strategies that anticipate future trends, risks and opportunities. The EU is mandated to incorporate a gender perspective into all policies and activities to achieve gender equality, and foresight is no exception...

  • Gender balance in politics: November 2023

    Despite ongoing efforts and interventions to promote balanced representation of women and men in political decision-making within the EU, and some progress over time, the overall situation remains one of imbalance, with key positions largely occupied by men. The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) regularly monitors gender balance in political decision-making in the EU and its 27 Member States...

  • Gender equality in the European and national parliaments ahead of the 2024 election year

    As bastions of democracy and guardians of gender equality, gender-sensitive parliaments ensure that there are no barriers for women and men in all their diversity to participate equally and have equal influence over decision-making. They serve as a positive example of safe, gender-equal workplaces that ensure that everyone – members of parliament (MPs) and parliamentary staff alike – has equal...

  • Financial Independence and Gender Equality: Joining the dots between income, wealth, and power

    This report presents evidence on gender inequalities in financial independence in the EU, with a particular focus on how financial independence has been defined and measured. It also presents evidence on the impact of tax–benefit systems in EU Member States on gender inequalities in financial independence and explores consequences associated with financial dependence, including economic violence. The report finds that...

  • Gender Equality Action Plans

    Gender equality action plans are gender mainstreaming tools that outline the specific actions an institution will take to advance gender equality in their organisation. Institutions are not gender-neutral entities, as gender inequalities may be perpetuated through policies, activities and organisational culture. Gender equality action plans enable institutions to address the identified inequalities within their organisations by integrating a gender perspective...

  • Gender Equality Action Plans for Parliaments: Step-by-step tool

    This tool provides practical step-by-step guidance to parliaments at the EU, national and regional levels to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate a gender equality action plan. The tool describes how to: plan the process of establishing a gender equality action plan from start to finish set up the necessary support structures and conditions that are required to success fully execute...

  • Women fleeing the war: Access to sexual and reproductive healthcare in the EU under the Temporary Protection Directive

    Since the onset of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine on 22 February 2022, human rights violations and violence have become the new harrowing reality of Ukraine, with growing evidence of mass atrocities and crimes of sexual violence and torture committed against civilians in the territories occupied by Russia’s armed forces. Over 8 million persons – mostly women and children...

  • Methodological Guidance: Administrative data collection on violence against women and domestic violence

    The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has developed 13 indicators on intimate partner violence (IPV) to guide the data collection efforts of the police and justice sectors. The indicators developed by EIGE help to assess the progress made at the national level to reduce IPV and domestic violence, and enhance the comparability of data in alignment with the minimum...