
  • Participatory online training: Creating your Gender Equality Plan

    A participatory online training coming in three parts is organised by GE Academy, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Get familiar with the basic concepts of a Gender Equality Plan and its main stages of measures. Sensitise about key problems at stake regarding gender in Research and Innovation and raise awareness about the importance of...

  • WE EMPOWER G7 Webinar: Domestic Violence During COVID-19: Supporting Your Employees

    Please join the WE EMPOWER G7 team for the Domestic Violence During COVID-19: Supporting Your Employees webinar. Lockdowns, social distancing and other restrictions have left millions of women and girls vulnerable to a growing shadow pandemic of domestic violence, cyberviolence and exploitative grooming of children who have limited access to help. In France, reports of domestic violence have increased by...

  • Webinar: COVID-19 and Gender Equality: What Can the Private Sector Do?

    The COVID-19 pandemic is putting an unprecedented and significant strain on the global economy and public health systems. It is also highlighting, and magnifying inequalities and the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination faced by women and girls. The pandemic is moving beyond a global health crisis and morphing into a labour market, social and economic crisis, posing a serious...

  • Joint webinar with Gearing Roles: Bias and Resistances: Exploring Challenges to Gender Equality in Leadership and Decision-Making

    GE Academy team is delighted to announce this joint webinar with our sister project, Gearing Roles. The topic of this 75 minutes webinar is “Bias and Resistances: Exploring Challenges to Gender Equality in Leadership and Decision-Making”. Registration is now open! WHY: This webinar aims at explaining and deepening the understanding of the role of gender bias in leadership and decision-making...

  • Gender Equality Academy | Webinar: How to strategically frame gender equality policies and set priorities for change at your university?

    WHY: This webinar aims at presenting different discursive frameworks for gender equality in research and higher education (HE) and highlighting discursive opportunities and tensions between gender equality policies and mainstream HE policies. It will provide examples of strategic framing and priority-setting. FOR WHOM: It offers a learning opportunity to Gender Equality Plan team members / change agents Equality officers Decision-makers...

  • 3rd International Conference on Gender Research

    The 3rd International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR) will be held at the University of Reading, United Kingdom on the 2 -3 April 2020. The conference is being hosted by the Institute of Education in conjunction with the School of Law, Department of English Literature, Henley Business School, Department of Economics and the Prosperity and Resilience research theme. Some of...

  • Gender Equality Academy | Webinar: Mobilising and engaging. Creating long lasting commitment for gender equality in research

    WHY: This webinar aims at providing examples of promising practices of horizontal and vertical mobilisation on gender equality in research. It provides examples of successful mobilisation of men for gender equality and inspiration about possible interventions. Read more, here. FOR WHOM: It offers a learning opportunity to Gender Equality Plans teams Equality Officers Change agents and whoever is involved in...

  • 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender Studies and the Status of Women

    THIS CONFERENCE OFFERS A PLATFORM FOR: Discussion relating to the current status of women, with a special focus on the following categories that constitute potential challenges to gender equality and women’s rights: the UK’s decision to leave the EU, the refugee crisis, rising levels of (and political legitimisation of) sexual violence and misogyny, cuts in child-care and services for disabled...

  • GE Academy - In person training: Gender Equality Plan design and implementation

    Description: This in person training aims at sensitising about key problems at stake regarding gender in research and innovation. It provides the opportunity to familiarise with the concept of a Gender Equality Plan and its main stages. Read more, here. The training is guided by one of the leading gender experts in Europe, Dr Maxime Forest. Dr Forest’s recent work...

  • International Women's Day 2020: ''Strong Women - Strong European Union''

    Croatia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the General Secretariat of the Council is organising the International Women’s Day Breakfast Event “Strong Women - Strong European Union”. 2020 marks an important year for gender equality and women’s rights,celebrating the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Therefore, the purpose of the...

  • International Women's Day press seminar: ''The long walk towards Gender Equality: What remains to be done?''

    The event is organised at the occation of International Women's Day and dedicated to 25th year anniversary of Beijing Declaration. EIGE's director Carlien Scheele will be addressing Beijing Declaration and assessing its main challenges. Even takes place at European Parliament on 4 - 5 of March 2020. In 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women adopted the Beijing Declaration and...

  • On the road to gender equality: gender balance in the European Economic and Social Committee - Study presentation - 3 March 2020, Brussels

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), has a specific role under the EU Treaties to act as an advisory body to the EU institutions. Its members are drawn from a range of civil society organsiations representing economic, social, cultural and diverse interests e.g. employers' organsiations, trade unions, consumer groups, social NGOs. In advance of the renewal its mandate in...