
  • Gender equality and climate change: Main findings

    Review of the Implementation in the EU of area K of the Beijing Platform for Action: Women and the Environment Climate change is a multiplier of environmental changes and has major impacts on the lives of women and men. These impacts and consequences are not gender-neutral. Women and men have different needs, priorities and possibilities of mitigating the effect of...

  • Gender equality and climate change: Main findings

    Review of the Implementation in the EU of area K of the Beijing Platform for Action: Women and the Environment Climate change is a multiplier of environmental changes and has major impacts on the lives of women and men. These impacts and consequences are not gender-neutral. Women and men have different needs, priorities and possibilities of mitigating the effect of...

  • Good Practices in Gender Mainstreaming

    Mainstreaming Gender into the Policies and the Programmes of the Institutions of European Union and EU Member States This publication intends to present the EIGE’s approach to collecting, processing and disseminating good practices in gender mainstreaming.This publication is the result of contributions made by the EIGE’s Thematic Network on Gender Mainstreaming, Expert’s Forum members, EIGE staff and the findings of...