In the socio-economic fallout of the pandemic among other ongoing crises and challenges, young women and men were hit the hardest. From rising unemployment rates – particularly among those with a migrant background – to persisting gender inequalities in the labour market and the unequal distribution of unpaid care – this policy brief provides actionable recommendations for policy-makers to engage...
Public institutions in the EU are major investors, spending some €2 trillion per year on the purchase of goods, services and works. Their procurement practices can directly promote gender equality, support sustainable procurement and improve efficiency in public spending. This is what gender-responsive public procurement (GRPP) is. Yet policymakers are unfamiliar with this promising approach, and authorities in the EU...
The European Institute for Gender Equality carried out the project ‘Supporting gender equality in the economy through public procurement’ with the overall aim of contributing to a more gender-equal distribution of economic resources in the EU. This report presents the main research findings of this project, followed by a selection of case studies and policy recommendations. The research findings suggest...
This report developed by the research and statistics team of EIGE presents evidence on coercive control and psychological violence against women in EU Member States. The study analyses the causes and consequences of coercive control and psychological violence against women, assesses the criminalisation of psychological violence and coercive control in EU Member States and identifies and analyses promising practices and...
This technical report presents EIGE’s online panel survey of platform workers which was carried out in 2020 in ten Member states of the European Union (EU). The survey results are presented in the study on artificial intelligence, platform work and gender equality. Advancements in digitalisation brought profound opportunities, but also new challenges in the labour market. Among major developments is...
The EU’s new Research & Innovation funding programme, Horizon Europe, addresses gender inequalities and gender bias in the research area. All organisations applying for funding must have a gender equality plan (GEP) in place to be eligible for funding. A GEP is a systematic and strategic instrument that aims to combat and reduce gender imbalances and gender inequalities. EIGE’s gender...
There are success factors that support gender equality work in research and innovation (R & I) organisations and in research funding bodies like the involvement of stakeholders and capacity building. When these elements are present in organisations, efforts towards gender equality are more likely to succeed. These success factors can also be understood as basic requirements or impact drivers to...
The composition of political assemblies and executives at all territorial levels too often fails to refect the gender diversity of the populations they represent, with women significantly underrepresented in many cases. The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) regularly monitors this situation in the European Union (EU) and its 27 Member States (EU-27).
The persistent gender imbalance among key decision-makers in large corporations and financial institutions remains a cause for concern. The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) monitors the situation biannually for the largest listed companies in each of the 27 European Union (EU) Member States (EU-27) and annually for central banks and European financial institutions.
This practical step-by-step toolkit for implementing gender-responsive public procurement (GRPP) in the EU is designed for contracting authorities at national, regional and local level, including EU institutions, bodies and agencies. It supports public sector buyers in advancing gender equality through the use of GRPP. It is also designed to be useful to policymakers and practitioners working towards gender equality and...
This report examines the opportunities and challenges for gender equality in labour markets transformed by artificial intelligence (AI) and platform work. To do this, it assesses the following issues from a gender perspective: AI-related transformation of the labour market, including working conditions, work relationships, the organisation of work and content. Working conditions and work patterns of women and men engaged...
EIGE's 2021 study on the costs of gender-based violence in the European Union focused on intimate partner violence as a subset of gender-based violence and provided an updated estimate of the costs of gender-based and intimate partner violence in the EU. EIGE calculated the cost of gender-based violence in the EU and in each Member State based on extrapolated data...