The event is organised at the occation of International Women's Day and dedicated to 25th year anniversary of Beijing Declaration. EIGE's director Carlien Scheele will be addressing Beijing Declaration and assessing its main challenges.

Even takes place at European Parliament on 4 - 5 of March 2020.

In 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action for Equality, Development and Peace (BPfA). The BPfA is an agenda for women’s empowerment. It reaffirms the fundamental principle whereby the human rights of women and the girl child are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights.

The European Union regards equality between women and men as a fundamental principle. In December 1995, the European Council acknowledged the commitment of the European Union to the BPfA and expressed its intent to review its implementation across the Member States on a yearly basis.