• As an overarching topic for this meeting, we have chosen to explore the relevance of gender equality in the European Pillar of Social Rights – one of the major priorities announced by President Juncker in the field of employment and social affairs. The outcomes of our debate will contribute to the extensive consultation that the European Commission is carrying out on the subject throughout 2016.
  • Violence against women will be another important issue on the agenda. The EU has designated 2017 to focused actions to eliminate violence against women, and European Commission invited EIGE to contribute building momentum around the topic through various communication activities. We hope to collect your ideas and develop concrete suggestions for how EIGE could work together with Experts’ Forum members to raise awareness ofthe issue in the EU Member States.
  • Following your positive feedback from the last Experts’ Forum meeting, we will continue EIGE’s project laboratory. A set of parallel workshops will be a good opportunity to get to know EIGE’s ongoing work, share ideas, collect your feedback and discuss how to ensure that EIGE’s projects meaningfully contribute to policy priorities and agendas at national level.
  • In the spirit of knowledge exchange, the session on “Emerging issues for gender equality” will invite Experts’ Forum members to propose and host workshops on issues and ideas that are shaping the agendas of your institutions and organisations.
