• Code of Ethics and University Deontology – Transilvania University in Brasov (RO)

    The Code of Ethics of the Transilvania University of Brașov is part of its 2016 Charter. The Code creates a promising framework to assure a safer work environment by providing detailed definitions of harassment and sexual harassment. The Law of National Education recommends that universities develop Codes of Ethics and Professional Deontology, but there is no legal requirement for universities...

  • Guidelines for equal treatment – University of Tartu (EE)

    The guidelines provide an overview of equal treatment and workplace bullying. They offer employees and students clear instructions on reporting violations of the principles of equal treatment and describe the procedure to resolve discrimination and bullying cases. Further information vordse kohtlemise juhend

  • Julie Hamáčková award – University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT) (CZ)

    As part of its GEP, UCT established the Julie Hamackova Award to support the integration of gender aspects into research and pedagogical work. The prize is awarded annually in three categories: (1) extraordinary contribution of women employees to the development of research, pedagogy and work in the academic sphere; (2) extraordinary contribution of employees in the field of support and...

  • It starts with ME, together WE can. Annual innovative Campaign and public intervention in cases of violence against women – Frederick University (CY)

    In 2019, the university launched the campaign ‘It starts with ME, together WE can’ as part of the international campaign ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence’. The campaign aimed to demonstrate that everyone is personally responsible for taking the first step to end gender-based violence by challenging stereotypes and making small everyday behavioural changes that can lead to a...

  • Model for equal distribution of research funds – Kristianstad University (HKR) (SE)

    Since 2016, HKR has successfully worked with a model for equal distribution of internal research resources. The work started with a revision of the existing resource allocation model, as the old model was considered outdated. The earlier model resulted in an economical budget deficit for the university and allocated resources based on position (i.e. a fixed share of working hours...

  • Protocol against gender-based violence – The Basque Country University (UPV) (ES)

    The Basque Country University (UPV/EHU) undertook a one-year participatory process to design a protocol against gender-based violence that responds to the needs and reality of the university community. In June 2018, the protocol was approved, with the goal of promoting a safe environment for all in the university community. The protocol has several innovative aspects. Its broad definition of gender-based...

  • Protocol of gender-based and sexual violence (GBSV) – Network of the Gender Equality Committees (GECs) of Greek Universities (GR)

    The Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) is funding a research project, “Affectscapes of Care: Gender-Based Violence and Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic”. The project is funded in the framework of the 4th call (“Interventions”) of HFRI Science & Society to address the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be carried out by the Department...

  • Zero Tolerance – Catholic University of Louvain (BE)

    In 2021, the Gender Officer of the Catholic University of Louvain began a university-wide ‘Zero Tolerance’ campaign to combat harassment and sexual violence at student and faculty level. The campaign includes several measures: (1) mandatory online training for all students and staff (in French and English) to raise awareness of the different types of violence and the notion of consent...

  • Action research with regional workshops on the promotion of gender equality in regional research and innovation (PAR on GE in regional R&I) – University of Tampere (FI)

    Gender equality in regional R&I activities is little studied in Finland. This seminar series targeted small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and prompted them to consider the business benefits of using the expertise of both women and men in R&I activities. Arranged with the University of Tampere as part of “Research and innovation in the Pirkanmaa region: gender equality as a...

  • ‘Career Restart’ – Masaryk University Grant Agency, Brno (CZ)

    The Grant Agency of Masaryk University developed its Career Restart scheme to support researchers returning after a career break (e.g. after parental leave) and assist their reintegration into research teams. The funding (CZK 500,000 per year) is to be used for personnel costs only, including supporting researchers‘ families and covering childcare expenses. This measure may help to reduce the leaky...

  • ‘Cascade’ measure – Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (BE)

    Since 2016 the ‘Cascade’ measure deals with gender inequality in career progression. The measure aims to fight the phenomenon known as the ‘leaky pipeline’, especially to combat the loss of gender equality at the highest levels of the academic career by encouraging women, from the beginning of the academic careers, to apply to promotions. This measure applies to promotions from...

  • Development of cross-curricular study programmes – Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MT)

    Since 2016, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) has developed and implemented a number of cross-curricular programmes to expose students to a range of study units, both those traditionally attracting mainly women and those typically attracting men students. This is intended to improve gender balance in the pursuit of scientific studies and careers in Malta. The take-up...