• Covid-19 and gender equality

    EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele gave these opening remarks the event on Covid-19 and its impact on gender equality organised by Luxembourg's Ministry for Equality Between Women and Men on 7 March 2022. She emphasised the need to put gender equality at the heart of economic recovery and outlined ways EIGE will support this​. Transcript Good morning dear ministers, bonjour. This...

  • Early childhood, when everything begins

    EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele delivered this speech at a ministerial conference on the European Child Guarantee, organised by the French presidency of the EU 2022 on 4 March 2022. When we speak about early childhood, we need to start by looking at the parents and guardians. What choices do they make? How do current laws enable them to take care...

  • An ambitious future for Europe's women after COVID-19: mental load, gender equality in teleworking and unpaid care work after the pandemic

    EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele delivered this speech at European Parliement's Inter-Parliamentary Committee Meeting on 3 March 2022. The topic of the meeting was "An ambitious future for Europe's women after COVID-19: mental load, gender equality in teleworking and unpaid care work after the pandemic". Good morning all, Early last year, while we were in the depths of the second wave...

  • The economy of the future: How can the EU ensure gender equality?

    EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele delivered this speech at Ministers' Round Table on Equality forum, which was a part of the conference Women's economic empowerment: key to gender equality hosted by the French European Union Council Presidency on 31 January 2022. Good morning dear ministers and dear colleagues, As you know, the European Parliament just elected its third female president. To...

  • Artificial intelligence, platform work and gender equality

    This report examines the opportunities and challenges for gender equality in labour markets transformed by artificial intelligence (AI) and platform work. To do this, it assesses the following issues from a gender perspective: AI-related transformation of the labour market, including working conditions, work relationships, the organisation of work and content. Working conditions and work patterns of women and men engaged...

  • Speech to the European Parliament FEMM committee

    EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele delivered this speech to the European Parliament FEMM committee on 25 January 2022.

  • Leadership in Europe: How can we get the right balance?

    EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele delivered this keynote speech at the event "Gender diversity & leadership in the Nordics-Baltics", organised by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania on 7 September 2021.

  • Speech for an online hearing on Covid-19

    EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele delivered this speech at an online hearing on Covid-19 organised by MEP Samira Rafaela on 28 May 2021.

  • Connecting and disconnecting and work-life balance

    EIGE's Director Carlien Scheele delivered this speech at the “Remote Work: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities" conference on the future of work, organised by the 2021 Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union on 9 March 2021.