• Selection criteria

    Selection criteria may address legal capacity, financial and economic standing, technical ability (including experience) and professional skills and qualifications. Selection criteria should be tailored to the specific contract and should be proportionate to the requirements. However, many authorities apply a generic approach to selection and are reluctant to introduce new criteria. This may limit the extent to which GRPP selection...

  • Technical specifications

    Technical specifications set the mandatory requirements for the goods, services or works being purchased. They may be formulated by referring to standards, they may be performance based or they may use some combination of these approaches. Under the 2014 procurement directives, there is no explicit authorisation for specifications to address social characteristics, unlike award criteria and contract performance clauses. Despite...

  • Tool 13: Template for a GRPP monitoring and reporting plan

    This tool can be used by contracting authorities to help with the development and application of GRPP contract performance conditions. This tool can be used by contracting authorities, policymakers and practitioners to develop a GRPP monitoring and reporting plan. This tool allows you to keep track of the specific GRPP commitments and targets that apply under a contract or framework...

  • Tool 12: Checklist for including GRPP contract performance conditions

    This tool can be used by contracting authorities to help with the development and application of GRPP contract performance conditions. This tool allows you to check that you have taken the correct steps to include GRPP conditions at each procurement stage. Pre-procurement stage Discuss potential GRPP contract conditions (e.g. regarding gender balance in the delivery of the contract, equal pay...

  • Tool 11: Bidders’ concepts to ensure the integration of gender aspects in supply chains

    This tool can be used by contracting authorities to ask bidders to develop a concept of how they will identify and address gender issues in the supply chain.Points are then awarded on, for example, how comprehensive it is, how feasible it is and how exhaustively it penetrates into the supply chain. It is particularly relevant in sectors in which bad...

  • Tool 10: Formulating GRPP award criteria

    This tool can be used by contracting authorities to formulate award criteria for GRPP. It contains sample award criteria that may be appropriate for you, depending on the subject matter of the contract. In each case, the award criteria should be further explained, ideally with examples of what you are looking for. These may be in the form of a...

  • Tool 9: Decision tree for setting GRPP selection criteria, technical specifications and/or award criteria

    This tool provides contracting authorities with questions that are useful for defining selection criteria, technical specifications and/or award criteria that include gender aspects. You will find guiding questions that can support you in identifying at which stage(s) of the procurement process it is more appropriate to include gender aspects. Do you have sufficient market knowledge to choose appropriate GRPP criteria...

  • Tool 8: Guiding questions for applying GRPP under the light regime – improving working conditions in healthcare and social care services by means of public procurement

    This tool can be used by contracting authorities, policymakers and practitioners working towards gender equality and gender mainstreaming to apply GRPP from the perspective of service providers. It offers guiding questions that can help you to improve the working conditions of the workforce employed during the execution of a contract for the provision of social and health services, including from...

  • Tool 7: Guiding questions for applying GRPP under the light regime – designing healthcare and social care service contracts with a gender perspective

    This tool can be used by contracting authorities, policymakers and practitioners working towards gender equality and gender mainstreaming to apply GRPP under the light regime and to design healthcare and social care service contracts with a gender perspective. This tool offers guiding questions that can help you to integrate a gender equality perspective when designing a tendering procedure for the...

  • Tool 6: Guiding questions for dividing contracts into lots for GRPP

    This tool can be used by contracting authorities to divide contracts into lots for GRPP. This tool allows you to assess whether lots may be a useful approach to promote GRPP in a particular contract or framework. The questions will help you in the decision of whether or not to divide a contract into lots. Do you have knowledge of...

  • Tool 5: Decision tree for the choice of procedure for GRPP

    This tool can be used by contracting authorities, policymakers and practitioners working towards gender equality and gender mainstreaming to choose a procedure for GRPP. It summarises the factors influencing the choice of procedure for GRPP. It asks guiding questions and, based on your answers, then guides you towards the most appropriate procedure for the tender you intend to launch. Is...

  • Tool 4: Guiding questions for needs assessment / preliminary market consultations

    This tool can be used by contracting authorities, policymakers and practitioners working towards gender equality and gender mainstreaming to develop a needs assessment or a preliminary market consultation. Are there differences in the way women and men will use/benefit from the outcome of the contract? If so, have you consulted users in a way that represents these differences? For example...