
  • Meeting between EIGE and CINEA directors

    EIGE Director Carlien Scheele meets with CINEA Director Paloma Aba Garrote to exchange views on building a just and sustainable Europe.

  • Release of North Macedonia's 2nd Gender Equality Index

    EU candidate country North Macedonia releases its 2nd Gender Equality Index on 29 June. Dennis van der Veur, Head of Outreach and Engagement Unit and Davide Barbieri, Statistics Officer, EIGE will join the release event in Skopje to celebrate the common achievement as well as to present the Gender Equality Index for the EU and the first results of the...

  • Developing talent and fostering scientific and technological vocations in girls and teenagers

    On the eve of the Spanish presidency of the EU and in the context of the progress of Artificial Intelligence and the decrease in the participation of women in STEM careers, Casa Mediterráneo and the OECD convene this event to present the OECD report ‘Gender, Education, and Skills. The Persistence of Gender Gaps in Education and Skills’. EIGE's Researcher Irene...

  • Digital Services Act Stakeholder Event: Shaping the Future of Digital Services

    The first Digital Services Act (DCA) Stakeholder event presents a valuable chance for stakeholders to actively participate in the European Commission's efforts and offer their valuable perspectives towards implementing the DSA. The event offers the opportunity to engage with platform representatives, policymakers, and industry experts actively shaping digital services' future. EIGE’s Gender-based violence Researcher Diogo Costa will participate in a...

  • EIGE co-hosting 2 sessions at the European Sustainable Energy Week 

    EIGE joins the European Sustainable Energy Week and together with partners co-hosts 2 sessions. EIGE's researcher Blandine Mollard is speaking on the session titled 'Inclusivity and the clean energy transition: the skills perspective', which takes place on June 20, 2023. EIGE's Research Officer Annabel Wildschut is speaking on the session 'Stepping up: gender and intersectional perspectives towards a socially fair...

  • Co-hosted session at the European Sustainable Energy Week

    On June 20, Cedefop, JRC, EEA, and EIGE are jointly organising a session on ‘Inclusivity and the clean energy: the skills perspective' focusing on gender, regional, and youth aspects of the renewable energy sector. EIGE’s Research Officer – Gender Equality Annabel Wildschut will moderate the discussion on women's engagement and crucial skills for the green transition. On 21 June, Eurofound...

  • Experts meeting on Gender-responsive and environmental evaluation for an environmental and sustainable future for all (GREENA)

    In view of the development of EIGE’s step-by-step toolkit to implement gender-responsive and environmental evaluation in the EU, the GREENA project foresees an ad hoc meeting with selected experts. The meeting aims to discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities for gender-responsive evaluation in the EU and to review and test the toolkit and practical tools, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge...

  • Meeting with the IOM Lithuania to discuss potential avenues for collaboration

    The International Organization for Migration (IOM Lithuania) is hosting a meeting to discuss the current activities of IOM Lithuania, and recent migration trends in the country, as well as to put emphasis on the potential opportunities for collaboration. In addition, IOM Lithuania will provide insights into their recent activities regarding the organisation’s response to the Ukrainian crisis. EIGE’s Gender-based Violence...

  • Webinar on “The new challenges of care work in light of digitalisation and platformisation”

    This webinar is part of an ongoing series that expands upon the policy study ‘The European Strategy: A chance to ensure inclusive care for all?‘, the “Care4Care Policy Series” aims to provide a series of concise discussions. Highlighting the persisting challenges related to care policy-making, the series will put a particular emphasis on policy-oriented solutions and on their interaction with...

  • EIGE's 40th Management Board meeting and Stategic Forsight session

    On June 15th and 16th, the 40th meeting of EIGE's Management Board convenes in Vilnius. The meeting is preceded by a strategic foresight planning session with Management Board members and some selected stakeholders.

  • OECD Gender Budgeting

    Gender budgeting is an application of gender mainstreaming in the budgetary process with the aim of achieving gender equality goals. This meeting aims to discuss concrete examples of practices in different countries focusing on actions that can be taken to strengthen gender budgeting as a tool to help boost gender equality. The meeting will highlight the benefits and challenges of...