Did you know that the best scores for Slovakia in the Gender Equality Index 2015 were in the domains of Health and Money? More attention is needed in the domains of Time and Power. Are you interested in where Slovakia is heading to? What can be done at national level? Join us at the seminar Path to Gender Equality: Slovakia in Bratislava on 6 September 2016. Please note that the meeting will be in English and Slovakian with interpretation provided. Click here to register to the event.

Please find enclosed and available for download the main results of the Gender Equality Index 2015 for Slovakia. It presents scores for 2005, 2010 and 2012, allowing for an assessment of the progress made in the pursuit of gender equality in Slovakia over time.

If interested to find more insights on EIGE's Gender Eqiality Index, just search for #EIGEIndex, both on EIGE's Facebook & Twitter account.
