In the context of the forthcoming Maltese presidency of the Council of the EU and in response to the request by the Maltese authorities, EIGE has started to work on a research note focusing on upscaling skills of women and men in the EU labour market. The note will particularly address women and men who are ‘trapped’ in insecure and low income jobs due to lack of skills. For women this might be driven from their long term absence from the labour market due to caring responsibilities or lack of opportunity to access education or vocational training due to socio-economic difficulties.

The topic of upscaling skills is highly relevant in relation to the EU political commitment to increase labour participation, meet needs of the changing labour market and fight poverty and social exclusion. These issues cannot be addressed properly without taking into account the gender perspective.

The research note will cover all 28 EU Member States and will use available data on skills, education and training in the EU.

The research note aims to identify groups of women and men that are most in need of upscaling certain skills (e.g. in low income jobs, inactive persons, or persons who find difficulties in re-entering the labour market after longer-term breaks), possibilities of these groups to attend work-related education and training (availability, quality and obstacles) and real effects of education and trainings on their professional career. 

Participation in this event is by invitation only. 
