Crises, ‘Creative Destruction’ and the Global Power and Communication Orders

The theme invites reflections on whether or how the current deep economic/financial crisis and its attendant gales of "creative destruction" may promote deep, fundamental or multiple shifts in the geo-political and communication orders globally. A section of the conference will focus on Gender and Communication.

While submissions on any topic involving gender, media and communication are welcomed by the IAMCR, special consideration will be given to proposals that examine connections to the conference theme. Topics suggested include:

the relationship between ‘new’ and ‘mature’ media;
the economic crises, public interest or public service;
(gendered) representations of the economic crises and/or its impact;
comparisons of media practices, routines, structure and regulation before and after the crises;
gender, austerity, and economic growth/recession;
shifts in mediation of political  processes or power structures.

Event's website

Section on Gender and Communication