
  • Family-leave without consequences for the academic career (FI)

    Hanken School of Economics (Finland) automatically extends temporary contracts of teaching and research personnel if they have been absent due to maternity, paternity and parental leave. The policy was included in the Human Resources instructions of the School in 2010, and it is also inscribed in its gender equality and non-discrimination plan. The policy was adopted in order to support...

  • Maternity Cover Fund and Return to Work policy (UK)

    In Queens University Belfast (QUB) (UK), all Schools have return to work policies, which are funded by the Schools and, where feasible, allow for either a six month teaching free period on return from maternity leave, or a greatly reduced teaching load. This policy began in Science, Engineering and Technology Schools in QUB and has since expanded. It began following...

  • Reconciliation of professional activity and personal/family life (PT)

    The promotion of equality between women and men and non-discrimination is one of the spheres of activity of IST (part of the University of Lisbon) [1]. IST launched an innovative measure at national level in 2016 to facilitate the reconciliation of professional activity and personal/family life. The initiative exempts professors who have taken parental leave (at least 100 days) from...

  • Introduction of family-friendly measures – University of Debrecen (HU)

    The University of Debrecen offers its employees training and programmes to promote work-life balance and better mental health. The measure focuses on workshops and trainings for parents. However, there is also a crèche and a kindergarten, as well as childcare support at university events. The financial resources for the implementation are covered from the university budget and the grants received...

  • Riga Stradins University’s (RSU) long-term gender equality’ goal (LV)

    Riga Stradins University (RSU) has yet to adopt a GEP. However, the “Sustainable Development Goals” section of its website emphasises “the person” as the RSU’s main value. It notes that gender equality is an integral value of the university and one of the basic elements for successful work, stating “gender equality = sustainable development”. RSU publishes current information on the...

  • Dependent care leave policy – Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics (CING) (CY)

    The Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics initiated the Dependant Care Leave in 2018. It is a special paid leave designed to support staff in cases of serious health conditions related to dependants. Alongside the right of unpaid leave, the institute made provisions for paid dependant care leave and is granted after the employee has exhausted their annual plus their...

  • Establishing the Association “ZA-Pravo LGBTIQ+” – Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (HR)

    The Student-Teacher Association (Za-Pravo) within the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Law was founded at the end of 2020. It seeks to create a safe, supportive environment, including organising weekly open meetings, conferences, round tables and guest lectures. It also offers education and campaigns for teachers and students in the Faculty of Law, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender...

  • Long-term development goal “Gender Equality and Rights of Women and Girls” – Riga Technical University (LV)

    RSU has yet to adopt a GEP. However, the “Sustainable Development Goals” section of its website emphasises “the person” as the RSU’s main value. It notes that gender equality is an integral value of the university and one of the basic elements for successful work, stating “gender equality = sustainable development”. RSU publishes current information on the topic of gender...

  • Monitoring Equal Opportunities – Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (AT)

    The FWF published its Equal Opportunity Monitoring, as recommended by the Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs. The measure seeks to increase the participation of women researchers in Austria since 2015. The monitoring is part of the FWF’s action plan on changing structures. Published each of the past two years, it presents a visualisation of facts and data to bring...

  • The Observatory of Research and Scientific Careers of the FRS-FNRS – FNRS Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.–FNRS) (BE)

    The independent Observatory for Research on Scientific Careers was created following the joint decision of representatives of the different French-speaking universities, the FWB (Federation Wallonia-Brussels) and FNRS (Fund for Scientific Research). It aims to create and follow up (missing and random) data on researchers in order to create a comprehensive, objective data collection. Its main goals are to monitor and...

  • Gender Equality Plan 2020–2027 – Estonian Research Council (ERC) (EE)

    The ERC’s GEP aims to ensure equal opportunities for all women and men researchers. It seeks gender equality in all of its activities and supports all researchers, regardless of their gender (or their sexual orientation, nationality, age, other personal characteristics). The ERC believes that society will benefit most from science when researchers are diverse and the research itself considers gender...

  • GEP – Academy of Finland (FI)

    The Academy of Finland’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan (2019-2020) applies to beneficiaries of the Academy’s research funding, as well as to employees of the Academy’s Administration Office. The Academy’s promotion of equality and non-discrimination includes three measures: (1) design of tools for systematic data collection on research funding and personnel operations, and developing follow-up indicators; (2) developing communications and training...