The University of Cologne’s Strategy for Equal Opportunities was co-created as part of a two-year dialogue with student and employee representatives. It includes specific action plans against all grounds of discrimination, which are currently being implemented. The thematically varied strategy follows different principles: (1) empowerment: participatory development of the strategy; (2) evidence-based: current research is taken into account when developing...
The measure is based on the gender policy Leaving No One Behind – Equality & Inclusion Policy of VLIR-UOS , which is the updated policy to be implemented between 2020–2024. The Gender Working group of the Flemish Interuniversity Council consists of policymakers of the different universities, an academic gender expert and people in charge of personnel and research policy. In...
The measure, funded by the EI.JU, is based on the assessment of JU employees’ needs and addresses the gap in research and publication opportunities experienced by JU employees who have combined research and teaching work with parental care for children under the age of 15 during the COVID-19 pandemic.The call for mini grants shall be open to male and female...
In 2019, the CNRS’s West Occitan sector set up support measures for new parents, both mothers and fathers. An annual information day discusses parenthood (single parents, same-sex parents, evolution relationships within families, stereotypes, etc.). Individual interviews are also available for both mothers and fathers, before and after their parental leave. The objective is to support employees, improve work-life balance, and...
In 2015, a structured childcare service was installed at Polytechnic of Milan, one of the largest technical universities in Northern Italy. During the summer and Easter school holidays, on-site childcare is available for employees’ children aged four (first year of kindergarten) to 13 years (last year of junior high school) at the two Milan campuses. The cooperative Il Melograno has...
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, some organisations had increased the availability of telework for a larger number of their employees (ZRC SAZU), or extended the option to work from home for a higher number of days (National Institute of Chemistry). This facilitates researchers to balance work and family life and organise their own time. The measure targeted employees of all...
The project VINNOVA addresses the unequal funding of research. Therefore, it works with three main areas linked to the questions of who, how and what. The ‘who’ dimension includes the work around who is being financed. The focus is on the project team and the gender composition, such as how many women and men are project leaders or the time...
The CNR published its first gender budget in 2020. The CNR is the largest public research organisation, with more than 9,000 employees. The report showed that the general composition of CNR staff is equally distributed, but a gap becomes evident in the subsequent career levels: 38 % of senior researchers and 26 % of research directors are women. That gap...
Diverse voices, skills and views are needed if technology is to serve everyone. Business Finland, together with national partners, led the discussion for more diversity, inclusion and equality in the science and technology that will transform everyday life. Episode VII of the webinar series discussed the lives, careers and experiences of women, who remain a minority in developing transformative technologies...
Gender equality is at the heart of the global transition to a clean energy future. The Equal by 30 campaign is part of the Clean Energy, Education and Empowerment initiative (C3E), which works to advance women’s participation in the clean energy transition and to close the gender gap. The Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) is committed to promoting equality...
KTH appointed a Vice-President for Gender Equality and Core Values in 2017, whose task is to promote gender mainstreaming and equal opportunities. HEIs in Sweden must work according to several government objectives and legal obligations within the broader equality framework. KTH also set up an Equality Office to coordinate implementation and support different units and management levels. Through the Equality...
The Centre for Women's Studies at the University of Rijeka’s Faculty of Philosophy was founded in 2016 and is the only formally confirmed academic centre of study for gender and feminist topics. The Centre links the academic and civil sectors, and is a platform for interdisciplinary domestic and international research. The Student-Teacher Association (Za-Pravo) within the University of Zagreb’s Faculty...