
  • A policy response to gender perceptions

    Discussion paper International agreements have underpinned a focus on gender stereotyping as a policy priority for over thirty years. A policy focus on gender stereotypes on the European level can be observed in the work of a number of EU institutions, including the European Commission, European Parliament and the European Council. Lately though, the policy focus on gender stereotypes has...

    A policy response to gender perceptions   MH3012134ENC
  • Mapping gender training in the European Union and Croatia: Synthesis report

    This report was prepared for theEIGE by ICF GHK as part of the contract ‘Gender Training in the European Union: Mapping, Research and Stakeholders’ Engagement’. It maps the policies and practices of gender training in the European Union. The work on this publication was coordinated by EIGE’s Gender Mainstreaming Team. Related publication: Mapping of gender training policies and practices in...

    Mapping gender training in the European Union and Croatia
  • Mapping of gender training policies and practices in the European Union: Summary of findings

    This publication summarises the interim findings of the two-year study on ‘Gender training in the European Union: Mapping, research and stakeholders’ engagement (2012-2013)‘. It maps the policies and practices of gender training in the European Union. Country fact sheets Belgium Greece Lithuania Portugal Bulgaria Spain Luxembourg Romania Czech Republic France Hungary Slovenia Denmark Croatia Malta Slovakia Germany Italy Netherlands Finland...

    Mapping of gender training policies and practices in the European Union: Summary of findings
  • Good Practices in Gender Mainstreaming

    Mainstreaming Gender into the Policies and the Programmes of the Institutions of European Union and EU Member States This publication intends to present the EIGE’s approach to collecting, processing and disseminating good practices in gender mainstreaming.This publication is the result of contributions made by the EIGE’s Thematic Network on Gender Mainstreaming, Expert’s Forum members, EIGE staff and the findings of...

    Good Practices in Gender Mainstreaming
  • Beijing+20 factsheet - Area H: Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women

    Read more: EIGE's work on the Beijing Platform for Action

    Beijing+20: The Platform for Action (BPfA) and the European Union Area H: Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women
  • Effectiveness of Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Gender Equality: Report

    Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States This publication compares and presents the progress of Member States in the area of institutional mechanisms and gender mainstreaming since 2006 when the first report on institutional mechanisms was developed by the Finish Presidency of the Council of the EU. The main findings show that...

    Effectiveness of Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Gender Equality: Report
  • Advancing gender training to support effective gender mainstreaming - Reflections from the conference

    Reflections of the conference "Advancing gender training to support effective gender mainstreaming"

    Advancing gender training to support effective gender mainstreaming - Reflections
  • Good practices in gender training

    Also available in: ES, DE, FR, IT, LT

    Good practices in gender training