This publication presents the final report of the in‑depth study conducted in the second year of the European Institute for Gender Equality’s project on gender equality training. It examines the issue of the effectiveness of gender equality training in supporting the implementation of gender mainstreaming. Interactive gender equality training tool Database of resources on gender equality training
Does gender equality feature in your work? Whether you work in fisheries, transport or any other area of the society, it should always be there! With EIGE’s new platform, there are no more excuses to ignore gender concerns. We show you how to mainstream gender, tailor-made for your field. “EIGE’s Gender Mainstreaming Platform presents the different challenges for gender equality...
What does gender mainstreaming have to do with…Sport? Agriculture? Energy? Transport? Gender gaps and inequalities between women and men exist across all areas of society and impact on our daily lives – in classrooms, on the sports field and on public transport. This leaflet provides a basic introduction to what gender mainstreaming is and how it works. It also contains...
Have you ever thought about how public infrastructure affects your life? How nurseries enable people to participate in employment or education? How street lights, public transport and pedestrian paths enable people to move around safely and independently. How parks and public spaces are important so people can benefit from outdoor activities and enjoy leisure time? We use infrastructure every day...
This publication summarises the findings of the in-depth study of gender-equality training performed in the framework of EIGE’s 2-year project, Gender Training in the European Union: Mapping, Research and Stakeholders’ Engagement. The in-depth study looks at the preconditions and factors contributing to effective training delivery. Effective gender equality training: Synthesis report Database of resources on gender equality training
The online discussion reports published below present the views expressed by participants of several online discussion held in September and October 2013 via the EuroGender online platform. The reports were prepared in the framework of the ‘Animation online discussions within EuroGender’ EIGE/2012/OPER/23 service contract, delivered by Cultura Lavoro srl in partnership with the European Service Network (ESN). The online discussions...
The online discussion reports published below present the views expressed by participants of several online discussion held in September and October 2013 via our online platform. The reports were prepared in the framework of the ‘Animation online discussions within EuroGender’ EIGE/2012/OPER/23 service contract, delivered by Cultura Lavoro srl in partnership with the European Service Network (ESN). The online discussions covered...
Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States This publication compares and presents the progress of Member States in the area of institutional mechanisms and gender mainstreaming since 2006, when the first report on institutional mechanisms was developed by the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU. The main findings show that...
Reflections from the online discussion This document reflects the process and the views expressed by a wide range of participants in an online discussion on quality assurance mechanisms for gender training in the European Union, held on 18 and 19 September 2013.