Gender-specific measures in anti-trafficking actions

Trafficking for sexual exploitation is the most commonly reported form of human trafficking in the European Union. It is a form of gender-based violence that disproportionately affects women. 95% of registered victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in the EU are women or girls. Trafficking in women and girls remains a structural form of violence against women. 

In this report, a gender perspective is applied as an analytical framework to examine the provisions and obligations under the Anti-Trafficking Directive and the Victims’ Rights Directive. The Anti-Trafficking Directive introduces common provisions, taking into account a gender perspective, to strengthen the prevention of this crime and the protection of the victims. The analysis seeks to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement in the protection and response to the needs of victims of traf-ficking for sexual exploitation.The report provides guidance to Member States on gender-specific measures to better identify, help and support victims of trafficking in human beings. 
