• Gender equality and youth: opportunities and risks of digitalisation – Main report

    EIGE’s research shows the many ways digital technologies are benefiting young people in access to learning, friendship, information and actions for social change. It also shows that aggressive behaviour online is anticipated and normalised. For the EU to harness the potential of digital technologies for youth mobilisation, diminishing the power of gender stereotypes online and promoting the diversity of voices...

  • “Gender equality will never be a zero-sum game” – Director General Ana Gallego’s visit to EIGE

    “Equality is good for society and everyone in society,” says Director General Ana Gallego of Justice and Consumers. “We need to counter the narratives that gender equality is a zero-sum game – that’s why evidence-based policymaking is crucial to win the hearts and minds of people.” Director General (DG) Gallego visited EIGE for the first time since taking up her...

    EIGE Director Carlien Scheele (left) and Director General Ana Gallego of Justice and Consumers (right) walking together outside
  • No Country Can Afford Gender-Based Violence

    On behalf of Director Carlien Scheele, Dennis van der Veur, Head of Outreach and Engagement, delivered a keynote speech at the Women7 Summit (W7) in Rome om 9 May 2024 on the cost of gender-based violence and the power of data.

  • Equality ministers in the EU choose a historic win for equality

    Equality Ministers from across the European Union met in Brussels on 7 May, in the context of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO). What is the Council of the EU? In the second of three EPSCO Council meetings under the Belgian Presidency, equality issues such as violence against women and anti-discrimination see new-found prominence on the...

    EPSCO Council meeting in session
  • Financial Independence and Gender Equality: Joining the dots between income, wealth, and power

    This report presents evidence on gender inequalities in financial independence in the EU, with a particular focus on how financial independence has been defined and measured. It also presents evidence on the impact of tax–benefit systems in EU Member States on gender inequalities in financial independence and explores consequences associated with financial dependence, including economic violence. The report finds that...

  • CSW68 newsfeed – Director Carlien Scheele shares reflections from New York

    The 68th annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) convenes in New York, bringing together government officials, civil society organisations, experts, and activists from around the world. The aim: to agree on actions and investments that eradicate poverty and advance gender equality.

    Illustration of women of different backgrounds and professions walking towards the same direction
  • Changing the game: women in sports

    In an Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting at European Parliament on 7 March 2024 Director Carlien Scheele weighs in on the challenges women face in sports – and how they can be a force for promoting gender equality on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024.

  • Today’s choices are tomorrow’s consequences

    In an informal meeting with European Gender Equality Ministers on 27 February 2024 under the Belgian Presidency, Director Carlien Scheele presented a vision of what gender equality could look like in 2030 – if we already put ourselves there.

  • Women fleeing the war: Access to sexual and reproductive healthcare in the EU under the Temporary Protection Directive

    Since the onset of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine on 22 February 2022, human rights violations and violence have become the new harrowing reality of Ukraine, with growing evidence of mass atrocities and crimes of sexual violence and torture committed against civilians in the territories occupied by Russia’s armed forces. Over 8 million persons – mostly women and children...