Strategic framework on violence against women 2015-2018

This document lays out the approach that EIGE proposes to take over the next four years to support the work of the European institutions and Member States in identifying levels of violence against women and in formulating policies to eradicate it. It forms an intrinsic part of EIGE’s forthcoming Mid-Term Work Programme, which is contingent on the approval of the Institute’s Management Board.

The goal of supporting the EU Institutions is enshrined in EIGE’s founding regulation. The identification of gaps in gender statistics, development and proposal of relevant gender indicators, the consolidation of cooperation at the EU level on relevant concepts and methodologies for data collection, and the processing and management of statistical data and metadata are specific tasks assigned to EIGE.

Since 2010, EIGE has been contributing to increased knowledge of various types of violence against women in the EU, and has highlighted the differences in definitions, concepts

and understandings of violence against women and its forms, and will continue to build upon this work over the next four years.

Updated on 10 June 2016
