Example 7: Communicating gender mainstreaming

Web based platform of the Swedish Government

This information portal serves as a national resource for gender equality. The portal offers a wider range of information and news about gender equality in Sweden, examples of good practices as well as tools for gender equality work.

Via the platform there is provision of support to government agencies in their gender mainstreaming work. The platform offers:

  • Information and facts about gender equality, like the difference between equal treatment, gender equality and gender mainstreaming, historical review and theories and concepts.
  • Recent developments in gender equality policy in Sweden, tips on conferences, seminars and job openings with a gender equality profile.
  • Practical examples and tools for gender equality work. Also educational material, examples and tools are provided.

Questions and answers

  • What does the example show?
    The website is embedded in the many activities for the implementation of gender mainstreaming in Sweden. It shows that it is useful to have a proactive communication policy on gender equality and gender mainstreaming and to create transparency about what an institution wants to achieve when mainstreaming gender equality into their practical work. A greater understanding of gender mainstreaming can also create acceptance of both administration staff and the wider public.

    The website also shows ways to make the topic of gender equality concrete and understandable by using different formats like films or exercises.
  • Why is the example suitable for promoting institutional transformation?
    The website has a modern design, it is simple to use and appealing. It contains the necessary information actors in processes of organizational change need to learn and to promote gender equality within their administration. Also by using social media formats like Facebook or Twitter it reaches a wide audience and contributes to an even better acceptance of gender equality
  • What was the example’s line of action?
    When setup in 2009 the platform was a cooperative venture involving the European Social Fund, the National Secretariat for Gender Research, the County Administrative Board, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions and the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA). Later it was funded via the programme for sustainable gender equality hosted by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. From 2014 on it is funded by the Swedish Government.
  • Who was involved and in which way?
    The platform is run by six staff members: one project co-ordinator, one head of operations, one web editor, one investigator, and two communications officers.
  • Which lesson can be learned in terms of success factors?
    It is shown by the example that communicating gender can happen in many different t ways and that it does not need to be too playful or overburdened.

Campaign on Gender Equality Framework Programme in the Federal State of Berlin

The Equality Unit in charge of the GPR created a campaign with interactive tools for creating awareness and communicating gender equality objectives. For example there are presentations, an exhibition, a booklet, boards, a memo game, a wheel of fortune and other media. The campaign material addresses administration staff as well as Berlin’s citizens and the wider the public.

Questions and answers

  • What does the example show?
    For many persons gender equality is a quite abstract objective. The example shows that it is possible to communicate gender equality in an appealing way, which is playful and understandable for everyone. It also shows that the ways to communicate gender issues are manifold. It also shows that there are effective ways to create more acceptance for mainstreaming gender equality in government policies.
  • Why is the example suitable for promoting institutional transformation?
    It translates the abstract principle of gender equality for a wide audience which contributes to more participation of different actors. The tools for communication are appealing and sometimes also funny and are an innovative approach for communicating.
  • What was the example’s line of action?
    In November 2007 the Campaign was introduced for the first time to the public. The administration of the Senate in Berlin holds a conference with experts to discuss the concept. In advance to this conference sixteen different forums including organizations and administrations already discussed main issued. The outcome of the conference was immediately passed to the Senate of Berlin.
  • Who was involved and in which way?
    Most important actor is the State Committee for Equality. Members of the Committee came from senate´s and district departments and key stakeholders. The department has commissioned a communications agency for developing the communication tools.
  • Which lesson can be learned in terms of success factors?
    There is a high demand in using the communication tools in different administration bodies and on different level. It is too early to know about the impact of the campaign - so far it can be only stated that the resonance by experts and citizens was positive.