• Equality Committee (EC) – Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) (LT)

    The Equality Committee at Kaunas University of Technology is a permanent committee formed by Rector’s Order in 2018. It is responsible for implementing the University’s Policy on Equality and Diversity. The Committee acts as an independent and impartial agency in cases of discrimination, harassment, violation of equality and persecution. Its main tasks are: (1) examination of reports (complaints) from university...

  • Spokesperson budget – DFG (DE)

    In order to promote the visibility of women in decision-making positions, the Joint Committee of the DFG decided to introduce a special budget for DFG-funded research networks. Since the beginning of 2021, networks whose spokesperson/coordinator belongs to an underrepresented gender at leadership level can apply for additional, uncommitted funding of EUR 80,000 per funding year. The DFG regularly publishes information...

  • Spokesperson budget – DFG (DE)

    In order to promote the visibility of women in decision-making positions, the Joint Committee of the DFG decided to introduce a special budget for DFG-funded research networks. Since the beginning of 2021, networks whose spokesperson/coordinator belongs to an underrepresented gender at leadership level can apply for additional, uncommitted funding of EUR 80,000 per funding year. The DFG regularly publishes information...

  • TARGET – The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) (GR)

    The project TARGET addresses gender inequalities in the structures of research and innovation (R&I) institutions. It was implemented in the research centre Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and funded by EU’s Horizon 2020 R&I programme. The project involved a consortium of EU and non-EU partners that collaborated in the transfer of know-how on gender equality in R&I...

  • The gender dimension in research content as a criterion for the evaluation of research proposals – Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (CZ)

    The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic applies gender equality criteria in two funding programmes – ZÉTA (a junior programme) and ÉTA (supporting applied research in social sciences and the humanities). In each case, it evaluates how the gender perspective is reflected and integrated into research proposals. It has developed guidelines for applicants and evaluators and provided training for evaluators...

  • Grey literature on research

    European research still shows a significant underrepresentation of women, particularly in the ‘hard sciences’ and in leadership positions. Highly skilled women in the EU are left out, which is a considerable loss of talent. Gender equality in research is therefore not only about fairness, but also necessary to fill gaps in the EU’s labour market.

  • Gender mainstreaming: gender statistics and indicators

    This briefing introduces gender statistics and indicators and explains why they are important tools to promote gender equality and implement a gender mainstreaming approach. Put simply, gender statistics and indicators integrate a gender perspective in the collection, analysis and presentation of statistical data. Gender statistics play a key role in measuring gender gaps on the basis of agreed indicators that...

  • Policy cycle in research

  • EIGE has a great recipe for gender mainstreaming

    Whether you work in the environment, education, the digital agenda or any other policy field, our methods and tools will help you to get started on gender mainstreaming. “EIGE has come up with practical advice to guide you through each step of the gender mainstreaming cycle. We show you how to integrate a gender dimension in your work, regardless of...

    wooden ladle and recipe
  • Gender Equality Index 2017: Infographics

    The Gender Equality Index is a composite indicator that measures the complex concept of gender equality and, based on the EU policy framework, assists in monitoring progress of gender equality across the EU over time. Further information Gender Equality Index 2017: Online platform Gender Equality Index 2017: Conference page

  • Gender Equality Index 2017: Conference presentations

    The Gender Equality Index is a composite indicator that measures the complex concept of gender equality and, based on the EU policy framework, assists in monitoring progress of gender equality across the EU over time. The release conference on 11 October in Brussels brought together around 300 decision-makers and practitioners to discuss the findings of the Gender Equality Index 2017...

  • Gender Equality in Academia and Research: GEAR Tool - Structural change in the research area

    Below are 23 translations of the chapter "Structural change in the research area" of EIGE's Gender Equality in Academia and Research (GEAR) tool. To read the original English chapter, see the complete GEAR tool. Institutional change is a strategy aimed at removing the obstacles to gender equality that are inherent in the research system itself, and at adapting institutional practices...