• Gender-responsive Evaluation for a Sustainable Future for All: GREENA step-by-step toolkit

    The gender-responsive evaluation for an environmental and sustainable future for all (GREENA) step-by-step toolkit provides practical know-how to assess gender impacts and the implementation of gender-responsive evaluation of EU policies and programmes. The toolkit has been contextualised to support the evaluation of European Green Deal policies with a gender perspective, given its relevance as a current EU priority and the...

  • Gender-responsive Evaluation for a Sustainable Future for All: GREENA step-by-step toolkit for a green and gender-equal Europe

    The EU gender equality strategy acknowledges that the policies under the European Green Deal affect women and men differently. To leverage the full potential of green policies it is crucial to recognise the synergies between the European Green Deal and the EU gender equality strategy, and thus address the gender and intersectional dimension of these policies. A gender-responsive evaluation for...

  • There is no democracy without women

    Director Carlien Scheele presented the agency’s toolkit for gender sensitive parliaments to the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Paris on 18 March 2024.

  • Today’s choices are tomorrow’s consequences

    In an informal meeting with European Gender Equality Ministers on 27 February 2024 under the Belgian Presidency, Director Carlien Scheele presented a vision of what gender equality could look like in 2030 – if we already put ourselves there.

  • Looking to the future of gender equality: emerging priorities issues

    Delivering the first outcomes of EIGE’s Strategic Foresight workshops to the European Commission and Member States, Director Carlien Scheele participated at the Meeting of the High-Level Group on Gender Mainstreaming in Brussels on 29 January as part of the Belgian Presidency.

  • COP28 and beyond: Five tips for gender-inclusive climate reporting

    Hectares of newsprint and hours of screentime are dedicated to COP28. It’s little surprise as the calls for action on climate change and gender equality grow ever more urgent. “Good journalism is crucial for raising awareness,” says Dennis Van Der Veur, EIGE’s Head of Outreach and Engagement.

    Image from COP 28
  • Gender equality @ COP28: a newsfeed

    EIGE is attending COP28 to highlight the connection between gender equality and the environment. And to raise awareness about the need to incorporate a gender perspective into climate-related policies. Follow along as Dennis Van Der Veur, EIGE's Head of Outreach and Engagement, shares his insights in regular updates in this newsfeed. 14/12/2023: COP28 has come to an end – 198...

    Dennis Van Der Veur at COP28
  • Why Lawmakers and Business Leaders Need to Look at Green Behaviour

    As someone who cares for the environment, you know that recycling, turning down the heating and walking to work is good for the planet. Those individual acts are important on our journey to net zero. But to have a lasting impact, we need to have bigger and bolder ideas about behaviour change. “In the Gender Equality Index, we see a...

    Environmental activist painting "There is no planet B" banner on global warming protest