Cyber violence against women and girls (CVAWG) is a dimension of violence committed against women and girls that is enabled by the increased use of digital technologies and amplified by the exponential growth of user online presence. Risks for women and girls online are further increased by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality.
Research reveals a concerning growth in the incidence and impact of cyber violence and exposes the significant impacts it has on women’s and girls’ online voices, bodies and rights. With the growth of CVAWG, the online presence of women is constantly threatened, leading to dramatic consequences for them, their families and their communities.
This report presents a measurement framework for Member States to use to measure the statistical prevalence, incidence and reported cases of specific CVAWG forms and to report the data collected in a comparable way. EIGE has developed indicators for the collection of survey and administrative data based on definitions available for statistical purposes, and these are included in this framework.