26 27 September 28, 2015
at Piazza di Lombardia
Because there are no places for opportunities
Expo 2015 was an opportunity to put the center on the theme of how to feed the
planet, creating energy for life, feed a growing population, respect for Mother
Earth, creating a model of sustainable development. In this reflection, women have a
Women are related to food, care and attention to produce it and take it on the tables.
Food is work, is the development of the territories. The food is culture and love.
This year the Global Gender Gap Report of the World Economic Forum provides the size of the gender-based inequalities in the world.
Italy comes out badly: Italy is not a country for women.
Since 2008 in our country it is very little changed, although some steps have been taken, such as political representation. The critical issues are still in serious economic gap and access to employment, even if, as highlighted in the World Economic Forum, "Women make up half of the potential talent base of a country. The competitiveness of a nation in the long term, depends significantly on how the nation educates and enhances its women. "
The silent women's movement requires us to give a central role to employment and
status of women in a national and international dimension, to 20 years from the last
World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995. It 'a categorical imperative to meet, to complete the ongoing discussions in the past few months and write specific requests to national governments and international so that we can achieve real solutions to unemployment among women, the high rates of inactivity of women, to overcome stereotyped patterns on the role of women in society.
In other countries the engine of female employment was on when they were formed "coalitions pro women" within the ruling elite (businessmen, union leaders, intellectuals) and the ruling elites. Despite the worthy efforts of some personalities and organizations in our country such a coalition does not yet exist, and for the persistence of a culture deeply sexist that because of the weakness of women's associations. Things may be changing today and the ongoing debate, twenty years after the Beijing Conference, it is a good opportunity.
Groups, associations, institutions have been urged in recent months to put in circle skills and professionalism throughout Italy and in various countries around the world, encouraging the development of contacts with European countries and international to be welcomed in Milan during the six months of Expo '.
This began during the European Semester with the organization in Rome of the States General of women, continued in recent months in all Italian regions, which will bring the voices of women in processing applications of interest to the World Conference on Women, Beijing vent ' years later, in Milan Expo.
Action Plan
The event will last for three whole days: 26-27-28 September 2015 and will consist of a plenary session, round tables and workshops to be held in parallel on the issues mentioned above, the second working group already built from the States General of women we played in Rome on 5 December 2014 and then in all the Italian regions. Simultaneously we will be organized exhibitions, short events, a literary salon and exhibitions.
The guests will be able to join a social program at Expo on Sunday afternoon.
The event is an opportunity for contact and interaction unique and unrepeatable in the world.
Sensitize groups, national and supranational organizations and public administrations in gender mainstreaming policies, encourage, support and actively support the search for solutions to the problem of female unemployment, encourage the integration of women, giving value to new corporate policies favorable to an innovative organization between the time for work and time for families.
Build effective policies to combat male violence against women: violence perpetrated on women has the same matrix of violence towards Mother Earth.
Reflect and combat early marriage.
Stimulate innovative approaches in the organization of corporate work compatible with family responsibilities in order to groped to reach the employment rate objectives set out by the EU for 2020.
Foster and encourage the presence of women in leadership positions, a key performance and business in each country.
Build a new economy in the feminine is the key issue, imagine a new model of sustainable development centered on the principles and values. Restore dignity to the work of small farmers and build local economies based on subsistence agriculture and family that respects the Earth and biodiversity.
Increase and sustain the number of women in all spheres of society and the economy, which in turn is leading engine of growth and development.
Reaching top positions without changing the identity of the woman we are at the beginning of a profound cultural revolution. A key step we are doing with young women, in a common reflection and generational change.
From Expo '2015 to Matera 2019, European Capital of Culture, to the Mediterranean and Africa.
The answer that women are bearing the crisis with their commitment to doing business is a
that delivers on the promise. You are shaping a new model of development, which should be analyzed and supported by comparisons and insights, to search for the winning solution.
We are rallying women who believe in themselves, who have a vision of
future and who are committed to achieve by combining forces. The opportunities are there, especially in sectors such as tourism, hospitality, culture, food, green economy, personal services. The manufacture must once again become a leading sector in terms of sustainability. The new business areas are real deposits of wealth.
The data tell us that women, probably, have understood this and are working to do.
And 'our duty to create the conditions to support them, with power supply of real services, support aggregation and building supply chains to trigger the process of internationalization and credit policies attentive to the needs of women-owned businesses.
1st day September 26, 2015
9 -13 am
9 to 10.30 Plenary
Twenty years from Beijing
Isa Maggi, General State of Women
Giovanna Martelli, Councillor Policy of the Prime Minister
Lombardy Region
Rosaria Iardino, Delegate for Equal Opportunities of the Metropolitan City of Milan.
Francesca Zajczyk, City of Milan, Delegate for Equal Opportunities
Invited / and, to be confirmed:
The Prime Minister Matteo Renzi
Deborah Serracchiani, President FVG
Věra jourová, European Commission
Simone Ovart, A women
Alberto D'Alessandro, Council of Europe,
Elena Gentile, MEP
Rezan Kader, High Representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Italy c / or the Holy See
Ramu Damodaran, Directorate United Nations Academic Impact
Marinella Loddo, Ice
Roberta Agostini, Chamber of Deputies
Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau,
Mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena
Mayor of Lampedusa, Giusy Nicolini
Prefect of Matera, Bellomo Antonella
Women and men who are changing the world
Invited / and, to be confirmed
Pope Francesco
Hillary Clinton
Christine Lagarde
Queen Tchelly
Carlo Petrini
Pepe Mujca
Ranja Queen of Jordan
Melinda Gates
People of Expo. The experience of women in Expo2015
A story of the role of women starting from everyday life, drawing from the pool of women who are brought into play and that they took a chance and the opportunity presented by Expo 2015.
Search in seemingly simple stories and everyday lives of unique complexity, with a thousand facets and valuable. Here are the stories:
Laura (Italy), Saule (Kazakhstan), young students,
Edith (Madagascar), Hellen (Ethiopia), entrepreneurs who come from the south part of the World,
Elena (Italy), Lee (South Korea), “women who are brought into play”,
Daniela (Hungary-Italy-China-Monaco), Pille (Latvia-Spain-Italy), women “transterritoriali”,
Marilu (Italy), Mariachiara (Italy), women “tramandatrici”.
11,30-13.00 Opening Session
Video of the International Women's House in Trieste, Nicole Leghissa
Graziella Arazzi, Philosopher, "Landscapes of labor and social constellations"
Lorella Zanardo, Journalist, "Media as a tool for active citizenship"
Linda Laura Sabbadini, Istat, "Gender Analysis for gender mainstreaming.Un categorical imperative".
Roberta Cocco
Paola Bernardi, Rector College New "Education, international relations, career opportunities."
Laura Moschini, Ossevartorio Interuniversity gender studies, "A beau ideal: Gender mainstreaming and story telling."
Amalia Ercoli Finzi, "Women and space technology"
Anna Laura Petrucci, SAD University, Riyadh, "Education Paritaria Gender"
Emanuele Bonato, invited
1st day September 26, 2015
Afternoon 14-19
hours 14-15 Award "Women who have it made"
hours 15-19 Meeting with the States General of women. The work in the Regions
Introduction Isa Maggi
Dario Ceccarelli, Observatory Economic and Social Aosta, "The data on women's labour market"
Piedmont, Silvana Neri, Francesca Alquati
Liguria, Valeria Maione
Valle d'Aosta, Stefania Notarpietro
Lombardy, Daniela Bandera, Anna Maria Gandolfi
Veneto, Franca Longo
Trentino Alto Adige, Claudia Gasperetti
Friuli Venezia Giulia, Gabriella Taddeo, Annamaria Poggioli, Chiara Cristini
Sardinia, Francesca Ena
Emilia Romagna, Roberta Bortolucci, Emanuela Vita
Brands, Paola Petrucci
Tuscany, Paola Sciocchetti
Umbria, Michela Ricolfi, Paola Cleri
Molise, Giuditta Lembo
Abruzzo, Rosaria Nelli
Campania, Giuliana Cacciapuoti, Francesca Vitelli
Puglia, Serenella Molendini
Lazio, Alida Castelli Gottardi, Loretta Campagna
Basilicata, Maria Anna Fanelli
Calabria, Amelia Crucitti, Daniela Carrozza
Sicily, Maria Andaloro
Space Apennines, Agata Cleri
2nd day September 27, 2015
9 -13 am
“Picking up the thread”
The work of those who was in Beijing in 1995
Irene Giacobbe
Luisa Festa
Morena Viciani, Tuscany Region
Carmela Maietta, journalist of Il Mattino
Adriana Buffardi, former councilor Education Region Campania
Esther Basile, publicist
Augusta Masera Tognoni, Andes Milan, Judge at the Court of Milan
Beijing + 20: gendering communications for a sustainable planet and smart
Claudia Padovani, University of Padova
Graziella Rivitti, Rome
Donatella Martini, Association of Women in altitude, Milan
Cinzia Boschiero, journalist Milan
Georgeta AdamT President of Romanian Women Journalists Association / ROWL
Teresa Polimei, Cug Enea
"What Kind of finance?"
Simona Lanzoni, Pangea / RHYTHMS Ethics Committee of Bank ethics, with
Irene Van Staveren, Sustainable Finance LabFessud
Rania Antonopoulos, Alternate Minister for Combatting Unemployment, Greece
Smitha Premchander, Good Practices India
Nicoletta Dentico, Component CDA Ethics bank, resp. International fond. Lelio Basso
International cooperation to femminile.Trasferire knowledge, the multiplier effect.
Romina Nicoletti MRO Business Cooperation & Innovation Center- Prodomed with
Ambassador Nomatemba Tambo Republic of South Africa in Italy
Hon. Souad Sbai, President ACMID Moroccan Women in Italy
Women and enterprise
-The #madeinwomanmadeinitaly
- The agricultural
- The donneinexpo
An intercultural path in 8 stages inspired by women who have changed history. A virtual tour consists of 8 speeches interspersed with video walks coaching to reach the halls, in the Expo, with Elda Lettieri, President Selena, Women Entrepreneurs Association of Bulgaria, Tiziana Rubano, Vice President Northern Italy and Campania CEO Nimbus 2003 Srl A freelance journalist, Pina Sabatino, International Trainer & Coach ACC-ICF, Slavyanka Stoykova, manager Tradingbulg Ltd, Wanda Spare Councillor parity for the region Tuscany, Iacopo Braca, actor and director.
2nd day September 27, 2015
Afternoon 14-19
Women and Religions
"A roof of parchment" .The responsibilities of religions in the fate of the women, with "Women in Dialogue" Religions for Peace Italy
HOURS 14 Introduction by Franca Eckert Coen (coordinator of 'Women in Dialogue'
HOURS 14.10 Prof. Elizabeth Ruspini (AIS Coordinator section "Gender Studies" University of Milan Bicocca) "Gender and religions in Italy"
14.30 Roundtable with the representatives of "Women in Dialogue" on the topic:
"The woman: physical nourishment, spiritual nourishment"
For Christianity: Francesca Baldini (Catholic) and Adelina Bartolomei (Evangelical
Waldensian); for Judaism: Anna Coen Di Segni, for Buddhism Daniela Di Capua (Soka Gakkai); for as Baha'is Franci Paola; for Sikhism Bibi Guruinder (Witness
Spirituality and Sikh traditions); for Islam Valdete Gjoni Hinduism Lilamaya You
States General Young Women
HOURS 14-18 with Anna Calò
Meeting of the group of / the Under 30
Holdings of two classes of Liceo Virgilio, Milan, School of Gender, with Francesca Tucci, teacher
Young women, respect between generations
Paola Petrucci, talks with representatives of Aidda and Form & Action, Cultural Association, Rome from the findings by the States General Young
Transnational cooperation, youth volunteering and women paraguajane
Solange Danella, "The city that loves women"
Norma Benita Duarte, coordinator of Callescuela
Julia Cardozo, educator Callescuela
Rodrigo Gimenez former child laborer.
The feminism and democracy of knowledge: towards young women
Fiorenza Taricone, University of Cassino
Vanna Palumbo
Rose Parisi
Sabrina Ciraolo
Elena Luviso
Training and educational processes
Marilu Chiofalo Councillor City of Pisa
Francesca Puglisi, Senate
Cristina Giachi, President Education ANCI
Association "shook"
D.i.Re anti-violence centers
Giulia Selmi, University of Bologna
Irene Biemmi, University of Florence
Lucia Beltramini "The game's over"
Chiara Volpato, Bicocca University, Milan
Claudia Polo, Feeding words gender mainstreaming in school autonomy, University of Rome
Annamaria Poggioli, President CRPO Friuli Venezia Giulia
Free to choose
Arranged and early marriages
The roundtable wants to encourage reflection on the phenomenon of forced marriages and early, of which currently only know data disorganized and frammentari.Sicuramente know that one of the determinants of this practice is poverty and early marriage "often a necessity for economic survival family health and violence, education and ignorance, justice and religious traditions are some of the many facets of this issue.
L 'aspect that we face is the deep compulsion that this practice brings women, wives -bambine who can not live their natural growth and above can not be said, in the freedom of choice, the right to self-determination.
The reading of the phenomenon of early marriages and then touches the field of human rights and freedom of generational relations femminile.Vorremmo promote and share strategies for communities to protect their wives girls in daily life but also propose a recall to policy makers, of Justice, Education, Health, 'because no economy can be considered innocent looking girls brought their wives to sacrifice.
Nicoletta Mestieri, Social Services ASP Fidenza (Parma)
Rouva Savel, University Satakunta Pori Finland
Roberta Martin Desayam, Barcelona
Sociologist India
Uroginecologa hospital Italy
CAV Parma
Gender & Media, Images, Languages
- The South Wind, magazine for Italian and Italian abroad.The faces of parity in international perspective
Elena Luviso
Sabrina Ciraolo
Fiorenza Taricone
Vanna Palumbo
Rose Parisi
Alessandra Sannella
Valeria Di Nunzio
Serenella Molendini
- Fotografaredonna: Learning to read images, Femminilereale, Marisa Ulcigrai
Women, sport and training
Flora Benincaso, Antonella Cotti
Paola Ottonello, sport policy and program, European Commission DG Education and Culture
Creativity Art
Patrizia Dottori
A workshop on happiness as competence by Alessandra Lancellotti, EWMD
In the wake of "Dreams" of Akiro Kurosawa
Laboratory Greece.
A new point of view of political and economic proposition for change, solidarity and democracy.
Marcella Corsi via Skype from Brussels, Franco Manti, University of Genoa, Diego Fusaro, philosopher, invited, Laura Nanni, teacher.
Skype connection with the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
3rd day September 28, 2015
Morning 9-13
Introduction: Valeria Maione and Maria Pia Mannino
with the participation of the Undersecretary Teresa Bellanova
The economic cost of the exclusion
(Invited) Irene Tinagli, Chamber of Deputies, a legislative proposal,
with Alessandra Casarico, Paola Profeta, Paola Villa
Redefine the criteria for the evaluation of careers
Letizia Radoni, responsible Enhancement diversity in Bankitalia
and representatives of Italian and foreign companies virtuous
Do Syndicate
A representative of the European union with Maria Pia Mannino and representatives of CGIL, CISL, UIL and UGL
Living in company
Maria Cristina Gribaudi, Keyline Spa, Treviso
Be "autonomous"
Donatella Treu, AD Sole 24 Ore and contact Lombardy Foundation Bellisario
Sarah Pissarello
Luisella Dellepiane
Ilaria Li Vigni
Adele Ercolano, ISSD -Ateneo Regina Apostolorum
The ethics of care. The invisible work
Joan Tronto (invited), Luisella Battaglia and Franco Manti
The Moica Federcasalinghe and discuss it with Camilla Occhionerelli, Alba
Dell'Acqua, Federica Rossi Gasparrini and Marielle Helleputte
The old and new poverty
Coordinates Margherita Flaminio
Stefania Barbieri, Councillor for Equality Province of TV "The new trades, old and new poverty",
Senator Patrizia Bisinella, "Elderly assistance. A job, a duty. "
CONI president Giovanni Malago, "Economics of experiences."
Franco Vaccari, Pres, Ass. Swallow peace, "Women in peace and war: survival mechanisms".
Antonio Massocco, "The city that loves women", results related searches.
Representative ABI (provisional title), "Banking Products: Business on the Internet?"
MGSartori, "United we survive the Argentine prisons, even in poverty."
Dario Focarelli, Dir. January Ania - Utility dialogue.
Experimental laboratory reserved for men with Roberta Bortolucci
The cooperative work
by Confcooperative
Anna Manca, Liguria Confcooperative,Lavoro
Giusi Palermo, Sicily Confcooperative, policies and actions around the Mediterranean integration processes, migratory families
Claudia Gatta, Confcooperative Emilia Romagna.Imprese / start-up
Rossella Sacco, Confcooperative Lombardy. Leadership
Barbara Trebbi, Confcooperative Lombardy. Change
Alessandra Brogliatto, Confcooperative Piemonte.
Paola Bernardi, Confcooperative Piemonte. Sustainability
Elisa Rota, Confcooperative Lombardy.
Elisa Sarri, Confcooperative Tuscany.
Paritaria democracy, rating impact of gender policies
Effective democracy
Renata Kodilja, University of Udine The Cug. "The numbers of disparities"
Maria Carla Italia, "Beyond the quotas, the creation of an Observatory"
Maristella Mameli, "Participation and policy for women, the experience of the Domus Rosa"
Patrizia Giarratana, Cug Mise, invited
Antonella Ninci, Cug Inail
The gender issue in Cohesion Policy 2015 2020, mobilizing the potential human skills
Lucia Gardossi e Enrico Tongiorgi,University of Trieste "The myth and the cost of excellence"
Women, science and knowledge
Sabina Passamonti (via Skype)
Association of Women in Science
Technological innovation
Mariella Berra, University of Turin
Fosca Nomis
Cristina Tajani, invited
Carmen Belloni president CIRSDe
Laura Orestano Social Making, Turin
Elena Carmagnani, creator and founder of OrtiAlti
Maria Grazia Filippini Insiel
Oriana Cok Pragma Group
Benedetta Gargiulo, Laby
Gabriela Apostolova, Selena Bulgaria
Social innovation and territorial
Cristini Chiara, Councillor of equal Pordenone
Francesca Zaltieri, Province of Mantova
3rd day September 28, 2015
Afternoon 14-19
Latin American women
Coordinator and Head of the Table, Women of Latin America, Alicia Erazo. CNN en Español
Ana Pedroso - CUBA
Graciela Saez - ARGENTINA
Lorena Ramirez - ECUADOR
Lucy Graciela Rojas Reischel - CHILE
Angela Roig - PERU '
Lisette Fernandez - VENEZUELA
Cecilia Gayle - COSTA RICA
Lydia Maria Mejia Meneses, Parliamentary PARLACEN (Central American Parliament, Member of the Commission and the Central American Integration Central American Commission of Women, invited
"Gender + Urban"
In the urban space, the percentage of sites devoted to women than to men is very low and implicitly transmits the message that only they are worthy of mention, that only men have helped shape history. A problem felt in the international arena so as to create the '' Association Toponomastica Female ", which produced a thorough and accurate census of all the municipalities in Italy and some reality beyond the Alps and that first place opinion Public this problem by promoting research, and exhibitions to sensitize each territory to streets, squares, gardens and urban locations, were dedicated to women to compensate for the serious disparity.
Lucia Krasovec Lucas, architect, national vice president AIDIA, adviser OAPPC Trieste
Fabiana Martini, vicesindaca of Trieste, a frontier town
Serena Pellegrino, Honorable, architect and vice president of the Environmental Commission
Eva Kail, City of Vienna, Executive Group for Construction and Technology, Urban Planning Group (by videoconference)
Marisa Fantin, architect, President OAPPC Vicenza
Lisa Borinato, architect, CNA adviser (to be confirmed)
Flavia Marzano, "Women, cities and technologies", President of the States-General of Innovation and creator of the Network Wister "
Danila Baldo, Toponomastica female
Pathways to integration and cross-border policies
Gabriella Taddeo, COMCITA: an exportable project to integrate women
Maria Teresa Bassa Poropat, President of the Province of Trieste
Sara Tonolo, "The role of the law"
Mariana Paliev, teacher and councellor, Vice President Association of Parents Romanians in Italy and cons. for education and culture Oido - International Association of Rights of persons
Christian Berezovsky (Tanasie), "On the question of the ROM"
Skype connection with Centre for Women's Studies in Zagreb
Marioara Popescu, Cons.Giuridico International Organization of Human Rights, Milan
Mediterranean women
Giuliana Cacciapuoti, the Orientale University, Naples
Melita Richter, International Women's House in Trieste
Serenella Molendini
Francesca La Forgia
Maria Ancona
Annamaria Ferretti
Terry Marinuzzi
Maria Pia Tamburlini
Women Culture
Dava Gjoka, Albania,
Ainom Maricos, Eritrea
Mame Diarra Fam, Senegal
Ana Grace Ortiz, Ecuador
Ana Bel Mayo, Philippines
Silvia Dumitrache, Romania
Amal Ahmed, Egypt
The territories
Agata Cleri, the Apennine region
Women Legambiente
Paola Petrucci, Giuditta Lembo, Adriana Celestini, the Adriatic region
Stefania Notarpietro, Valle d'Aosta
Laura Amoretti, Councillor for Equality Province of Imperia, The Sea Alps
Cooperative Cramars FVG, Women of the mountain
New welfare and Health: instrument of synergy between government,
Associations and territory for the emergence of the phenomena of violence
and as a contrast through the Gender Medicine
Antonella Gramigna, journalist
Sabrina Olives, psychotherapist, Psiconeuroimmunologa, President Anses
(Ass. Nat. Stress and Health)
Francesca Zaltieri, Vice President of the Province of Mantova. Delegation to
work, education and culture.
Daniela Gerin, Head of Projects Area Health, Health
immigrants, women and policies against violence gender and child Ass1- Triestina
Francesca Garisto, D.i.Re
Vittoria Doretti "The Code Pink, from local experience to model
Italian towards an international strategy "
Daniela Mannu, Regional Coordinator of the project "in FVG
Network Against Trafficking: emergence of the victims. Art.13 "
L.228 / 2003 "." The FVG network against trafficking: insertion
social victims. Art. 18 "
Lepa Mladjenovic, lesbian and feminist activist Serbian, and Elvira
Mujcic (in connection Skype) Rapes of war
Tatjana Tomicic, President GOAP, Anti-Violence Center of Trieste
Cristina Favati, Roberta Trucco, If not now when, Genoa "Women
violated "
Maria Andaloro, “Posto occupato”
Hon. Giovanna Martelli, Councillor of the Government to Dip. Equal Opportunities
Feed with style
Equal Opportunities Commission of the Abruzzo Region
Gemma Andreini
Feeding style is articulated in debates, conferences, workshops and cooking show that underscores the importance of proper nutrition and the adoption of healthy lifestyles, which have as prerequisite knowledge of the traditions and vocations of the different territories and their biodiversity. A treasure of inestimable value to safeguard, transmit and enhance.
September 26, 2015
“Donne che ce l'hanno fatta”
Designed by Sportello Donna and Gaia Foundation
Organization Anna Maria Gandolfi
September 26, 2015
Designed by the Woman to be, funded with the contribution of the Tuscany Region.
Curated by Maria Grazia Anatra and Publisher Giralangolo Turin
WORKSHOPS / EXHIBITIONS, program construction
Fotografaredonna. Learn to read images, Femminilereale, Marisa Ulcigrai
Lisa Castagna
A collection of posters of the States General of women
Shows at work, Toponomastica
Independent publishing, with Gabriella Musetti
Area Education / Kids Area with "The game's over," Trieste
Women entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs with the Valle d'Aosta
by Laura Amoretti
27 settembre – ore 10
Cristina Guarnieri with Pepe Mujica “La felicità al potere”,EIR
27 settembre – ore 11
Franco Vittoria, “Responsabilità.Figure e metamorfosi di un concetto,Donzelli Editore
27 settembre – ore 12
Roberta Bortolucci, “Non ho tempo da perdere.Dedicato alle donne che decidono di volersi bene”, Franco Angeli
27 settembre – ore 13
Isabel Recarraven,Cefial Ue con Mirella Ferlazzo, Ministero Sviluppo Economico, presentazione del Rapporto Foro Eurolat delle donne
28 settembre – ore 10
Fiorenza Barbero”Marisa, la prima top manager italiana” Effatà,Collana Donne toste
28 settembre – ore 10
Dizionario Biografico delle Parmigiane, a cura di Fabrizia Dalco', promosso dalla Provincia di Parma
28 settembre – ore 11
Giuseppina Tripodi, Raffaella Ranise,”Rita Levi_Montalcini.Aggiungere vita ai giorni”, Longanesi
28 settembre – ore 12
Stefania Libardo, Portami dentro di te,Albatros Edizioni
28 settembre – ore 13
Francesca M.Tucci,Margherita, Storia di violenza di genere, Edizioni Giuseppe Laterza
28 settembre – ore 14
Valeria Palumbo, L’ora delle ragazze Alfa, Fermento,collana Donne per le donne
28 settembre – ore 15
Debora Riccelli,”Nessuno mai potrà +udire la mia voce”,Nuova Palomar
28 settembre – ore 16
Francesca La Forgia “Locali per soli uomini”Viaggio nella rappresentanza di genere in Italia.Collana: Reti,Progedit Editore
Useful Links
PaginaFacebook States General Women
Hashtag: #statigeneralidelledonne #worldwomencongress
Video presentation:
The site of the States General of the Women
Join the event on Eventbrite…
To get to Piazza di Lombardia
MM Melchiorre Gioia…
For babysitting
contact e-mail:
Tel: 02/69003066
Island childhood SRL
Via Lario, 16 20159 Milan
To sleep in Milan
Network of Hostels
B & B
For reservations: Rosaria Nelli
To visit Expo
To purchase tickets Expo
NATIONAL COORDINATION Isa Maggi email: Mobile + 39 366 2554736
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