In February 2016, EIGE published its Gender Statistics Database on its website. It is one of EIGE's flagship projects that has been developed with the continuous support of a community of experts. 

In order to further improve EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database (in terms of both content, i.e. new data and indicators, and the interface), keep it up to date and relevant, EIGE seeks to continue this valuable dialogue in a 2017 expert meeting. The focus of this meeting will be on the following areas:

  • The latest developments on database activities (content and indicators);
  • A proposal for a gender-based violence entry point (document enclosed);
  • Improved conceptual approach towards the update of the Beijing Platform for Action and Gender Equality Index entry points;
  • Quality criteria established for the Gender Statistics Database (document enclosed);
  • Updated data collection on women and men in decision making (including two new indicators and a new dimension on science and research, gender sensitive parliaments and a new European Economic and Social Committee breakdown).

Each of these topics will be discussed as separate items on the agenda and will be introduced with a presentation from EIGE. After this, there will be an open discussion and experts will be asked for their feedback.

The findings from this expert meeting will help improve and consolidate quality criteria on EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database and will inform a restructured database tree that provides better accessibility and visibility to EIGE’s work on gender-based violence.

Agenda and supporting documents are enclosed and available for download. Presentations will be added after the meeting.
