As part of EIGE’s project Collection of Good Practices on Gender Mainstreaming in the European Green Deal, EIGE organises a one-day and a half consultation and awareness-raising meeting with the Thematic Network on Gender Mainstreaming to discuss, assess and select, in a participatory manner, Good Practices on gender mainstreaming in EGD policy areas and the latest updates on EIGE’s work on gender mainstreaming.

This Experts’ Meeting will bring together practice owners, national focal point members of the Thematic Network on Gender Mainstreaming, gender equality practitioners and experts from the national gender equality machinery, directly involved in the design and implementation of specific gender mainstreaming strategies, tools and measures at all administrative levels.

The meeting aims:

  • to discuss, assess and select, in a participatory manner, the final set of good practices on gender mainstreaming in EGD policy areas;
  • to encourage knowledge exchange among Member States;
  • to increase practical know-how of EU policy makers and practitioners on gender mainstreaming in the context of the European Green Deal;
  • to discuss current and future EIGE’s projects and share some positive practices on gender mainstreaming at national level.