The European Institute for Gender Equality, has presented the Lithuanian society with its work results this year and invited Lithuanians to join the institute’s new social initiative regarding violence against women “Show red card to violence” (Saca Tarjeta Roja al Maltratador).
EIGE's Director Virginija Langbakk presented the guest of the evening with the main objectives of the new campaign “Show a red card to violence”. With this initiative the institute, along with famous Lithuanian sports representatives, will try to draw attention to issues regarding violence against women. This initiative was started in Spain and showed good results in a fairly short time.
A hand holding a red card represents the idea of elimination of violence in our society. Spain was the first to start the educational campaign “Show a red card to violence” and invited sports and art celebrities, such as movie director Pedro Almodovar, actress Emma Thompson and the champion of 3000 meters in steeplechase Marta Dominguez, to pose as the campaigns ambassadors.
Representative of the Lithuanian Parliament and ex chair of the committee for European affairs, Vydas Gedvilas, who was one of the main supporters of the establishment of the EIGE in Vilnius emphasized the great opportunity for the red card campaign to become more significant and noticeable during the European Championship of Basketball 2011 in Lithuania where 24 teams from all over the Europe will be present. The Director of the organising committee of EuroBasket 2011 Mindaugas Špokas was one of the guests who expressed their active support to the initiative.
One of the guests of the evening, Edvinas Krungolcas, an Olympic silver medal winner pentathlete, spoke on behalf of all the Lithuanian sportsmen: “I am sure, that all the Lithuanian sportsman do not tolerate violence against women and for those who do, I show the red card. I really hope that the statistics on the violence against women here in Lithuania will be way smaller the next year and I am pleased to have the opportunity to participate in this worthy and beautiful initiative that the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has started”.