In the framework of the Gender Balance Power Map project, POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ organizes on 15 September 2015, at the Institute for Equality between Women and Men (Brussels, Belgium), a full day of participative workshops on the access of women to management positions.

The aim of the day will be to compare promotion processes in conventional and social enterprises in order to identify best practices. A final joint workshop will gather all enterprises participating with a view to elaborate recommendations.

The event will be held in French.

Lunch and coffee breaks offered!


Further information in French:



Dans le cadre du projet Gender Balance Power Map, POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ organise le 15 septembre 2015, à l'IEFH à Bruxelles, une journée d'ateliers participatifs destinés aux entreprises de l'économie classique et aux entreprises de l'économie sociale autour de la question de l'accès des femmes aux postes à responsabilité. - See more at:…