3 items / 1 pages
  • Online panel survey on gender gaps in unpaid care, individual and social activities - Technical report

    This technical report presents the methodological details of the survey on gender gaps in unpaid care, individual and social activities carried out by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) in 2022. The survey findings will be published in the Gender Equality Index 2023, the policy brief Bridging the gender care gap to achieve work–life balance for all and EIGE’s...

  • Unpaid care and housework

    The closure of many workplaces and schools during lockdowns increased women’s share of unpaid work, despite men sharing the workload more than before. Time spent on cooking and housework increased for both women and men, during the lockdown period. During lockdowns, European women dedicated 18.4 hours per week on cooking and housework, compared to 12.1 hours for men [1]. Before...