• Gender analysis

    Gender analysis provides the necessary data and information to integrate a gender perspective into policies, programmes and projects.

  • Gender Equality Action Plans

    Gender equality action plans are gender mainstreaming tools that outline the specific actions an institution will take to advance gender equality in their organisation.

    Illustration of people standing in a circle with hands joined in the center.
  • Gender audit

    A gender audit is essentially a “social audit”, and belongs to the category of “quality audits”, which distinguishes it from traditional “financial audits”.

    Gender audit
  • Gender awareness-raising

    Awareness raising is a process which helps to facilitate the exchange of ideas, improve mutual understanding and develop competencies and skills necessary for societal change.

  • Gender budgeting

    Gender budgeting is a strategy to achieve equality between women and men by focusing on how public resources are collected and spent.

  • Gender equality training

    Combines various activities that aim at strengthening people’s skills and knowledge on gender mainstreaming.

  • Gender-responsive evaluation

    Consists of objective assessment of a project, programme or policy at all of its stages, i.e. planning, implementation and measurement of gender mainstreaming outcomes.

  • Gender impact assessment

    Ex-ante evaluation of a law, policy or programme to identify in a preventative way the likelihood of a given decision to have negative consequences for the state of equality between women and men and to formulate it to proactively promote gender equality.

  • Gender statistics and indicators

    Gender statistics and indicators integrate a gender perspective in the collection, analysis and presentation of statistical data.

  • Gender monitoring

    Verifying whether the plan is being followed and whether the objectives regarding gender mainstreaming are being achieved. It allows to address identified problems and to introduce changes in order to accomplish gender equality.

  • Gender planning

    Gender planning refers to the process of planning and designing the implementation phase of policies, programmes, or projects from a gender perspective.

    Gender planning
  • Gender stakeholder consultation

    Gender stakeholder consultation promotes the participation of women and men in the policymaking process to ensure that their voices are heard and their priorities are represented.

  • Institutional transformation

    A process of organisational change that describes how gender mainstreaming can be implemented into a public institution and how already-existing approaches can be further advanced

  • Sex-disaggregated data

    They allow for the measurement of differences between women and men on various social and economic grounds and are one of the requirements in obtaining gender statistics