Procurement stage
Figure 3. GRPP at the procurement stage
Contracting authorities may choose to include in their tenders one criterion or more that address(es) GRPP. The type of criteria that can be applied at each stage and the evidence that can be requested are regulated by the EU procurement directives (or, in the case of EU institutions, by the financial regulation).
All criteria must be linked to the subject matter of the contract, meaning that they must be specific to the goods, services or works that the public body is purchasing. They cannot concern the general policies or practices of the bidding company. Procurement criteria must also be proportionate to the objectives pursued and must not go beyond what is needed to fulfil them.
Example of a support structure to implement GRPP
In Spain, the Basque Government, led by its gender equality body Emakunde, has developed gender equality clauses in public procurement to facilitate gender mainstreaming. This involves regulations, planning, guidelines, training, coordination, advice, and monitoring and evaluation to ensure a sustainable and effective approach. A collaborative process has been carried out with competent bodies in the area of contracting, experts, staff from different public administrations and private companies that are required to apply gender equality clauses. The support structure for implementing GRPP includes Emakunde and other regional gender equality bodies, the Interdepartmental Commission for Equality between Women and Men and specialised staff in all of the departments of the Basque government.