Slovenia in 2023 edition

The data for 2023 Index is mostly from 2021 and 2022.

The Gender Equality Index gives the EU and the Member States a score from 1 to 100. A score of 100 would mean that a country had reached full equality between women and men.

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Progress in gender equality

With 69.4 points out of 100, Slovenia ranks 12th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is 0.8 points below the score for the EU a whole. 1

Since 2010, Slovenia’s score has increased by 6.7 points, mainly due to improvements in the domain of power (+ 15.0 points). Since 2020, Slovenia’s overall score has risen by 1.9 points, but its ranking has remained the same, in 12th place. Improvements in the domains of knowledge (+ 4.7 points) and power (+ 2.8 points) have been the main drivers of the country’s increased overall score. The country has also registered a setback in the score (– 3.6 points) in the domain of time.

Best performance

Slovenia’s highest ranking (7th) is in the domain of time, in which it scores 69.3 points. The country has maintained this position in the ranking since 2020, even though its score for this domain has decreased by 3.6 points. Within the domain of time, Slovenia performs best in the sub-domain of social activities (62.3 points), in which it ranks 4th in the EU. Slovenia’s score in this sub-domain has decreased (– 14.1 points) since 2020, but this did not lead to a drop in its ranking.

Most room for improvement

Gender inequalities in Slovenia are strongly pronounced in the domain of health (86.5 points), in which the country ranks 16th in the EU. Since 2020, Slovenia’s progress in this domain has stalled (– 0.4 points) and its ranking has remained the same. The country shows the greatest room for improvement in the sub-domain of access, in which Slovenia scores 96.0 points and ranks 20th. Since 2020, the country’s score in this sub-domain has decreased (– 1.8 points), and its ranking has dropped by three places.

Biggest improvement

Since 2020, Slovenia’s biggest improvement in score has been in the domain of knowledge (+ 4.7 points), moving the country’s ranking up from 22nd place to 14th in this domain. An improvement in the sub-domain of attainment and participation (+ 10.1 points) has been the key driver of this change. As a result, the country’s ranking in this sub-domain has increased by four places, currently standing at 11th place. Meanwhile, Slovenia scores 47.1 points in the sub-domain of segregation and ranks 22nd, a rise of two places since 2020.

A step backwards

Since 2020, Slovenia’s score in the domain of work (75.8 points) has increased by 2.4 points, but its ranking has dropped by one place, moving from 14th to 15th among the EU Member States. The step backwards in ranking in this domain is due to other Member States making faster progress. The country ranks 15th in the sub-domain of segregation and quality of work (65.3 points), following a drop of two places since 2020. In the sub-domain of participation, the country scores 88.0 points and ranks 8th in the EU.


Upward convergence in gender equality describes increasing equality between women and men in the EU, accompanied by a decline in variations between Member States. This means that countries with lower levels of gender equality are catching up with those with the highest levels, thereby reducing disparities across the EU. Analysis of convergence patterns in the Gender Equality Index shows that disparities between Member States decreased over the period 2010–2021, and that EU countries continue their trend of upward convergence.

Looking more closely at the performance of each Member State, patterns can be identified that reflect a relative improvement or slipping back in the Gender Equality Index score of each Member State in relation to the EU average.

Slovenia is flattening. Its Gender Equality Index score is just about the EU average, but has grown at a slower pace over time. The gap between the country and the EU has narrowed over time.

Focus 2023: The European Green Deal

  1. Women and men in Slovenia exhibit lower levels of climate change responsibility compared with their counterparts in other Member States

    In Slovenia, fewer women (48 %) and men (49 %) felt responsible for reducing climate change than the average across the EU (62 % and 61 %, respectively) in 2018. Women in Slovenia displayed a stronger inclination than men towards environmentally friendly choices. In 2022, more women (57 %) than men (51 %) reported regularly choosing environmentally friendly options in housework activities.

  2. Women and men with low education struggled most to pay for energy bills in Slovenia

    Even before the full impact of the ongoing energy crisis, many people in the EU were struggling to pay for energy and heating. In 2021, 10 % of women with low education in Slovenia had arrears on utility bills, compared with 15 % of men with low education. A similar struggle was reported by non-EU migrant women and men, with 12 % of women and 9 % of men in this category reporting that they faced arrears on utility bills.

  3. Women are underrepresented in Slovenia’s energy and transport sectors, as well as in decision-making, compared with the EU average

    In 2022, women comprised just 15 % of the workforce in the energy sector in Slovenia, compared with 24 % on average across the EU. Similarly, women accounted for just 20 % of workers in the transport sector. In 2022, only 13 % of decision-makers in parliamentary committees focusing on the environment and climate change were women – a considerably lower share than the EU average of 30 %.

Scores in Slovenia

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