PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY IN RESEARCH Legal framework As of the end of 2020, Czechia has not adopted any specific legislation dedicated to promoting gender equality in research and innovation. Policy framework The State of Gender Equality and Proposal for Mid-Term Strategic Plan in Gender Equality within the Remit of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports [1] was developed in...
As part of its GEP, UCT established the Julie Hamackova Award to support the integration of gender aspects into research and pedagogical work. The prize is awarded annually in three categories: (1) extraordinary contribution of women employees to the development of research, pedagogy and work in the academic sphere; (2) extraordinary contribution of employees in the field of support and...
The Grant Agency of Masaryk University developed its Career Restart scheme to support researchers returning after a career break (e.g. after parental leave) and assist their reintegration into research teams. The funding (CZK 500,000 per year) is to be used for personnel costs only, including supporting researchers‘ families and covering childcare expenses. This measure may help to reduce the leaky...
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic applies gender equality criteria in two funding programmes – ZÉTA (a junior programme) and ÉTA (supporting applied research in social sciences and the humanities). In each case, it evaluates how the gender perspective is reflected and integrated into research proposals. It has developed guidelines for applicants and evaluators and provided training for evaluators...
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic applies gender equality criteria in two funding programmes – ZÉTA (a junior programme) and ÉTA (supporting applied research in social sciences and the humanities). In each case, it evaluates how the gender perspective is reflected and integrated into research proposals. It has developed guidelines for applicants and evaluators and provided training for evaluators...
Data collection systems vary widely across EU Member States, as they draw on various sources. To improve the collection of administrative data on femicide, EIGE has been working to establish indicators that can harmonise data collection processes across Member States’ jurisdictions. EIGE has collected information from a wide variety of stakeholders through a questionnaire sent to official data providers and...
Parental leave is granted to parents, usually after maternity and paternity leave, allowing mothers and fathers to take care of their young children without losing their jobs. Such a policy exists in all EU Member States and in Czechia it is called Rodicovska dovolena. The policy design and eligibility rules vary across the EU and not all women and men...
With 56.2 out of 100 points, Czechia ranks 23rd on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is 11.7 points lower than the EU’s score. Since 2010, Czechia’s score has increased by only 0.6 points. Most of the increase (0.5 points) has been achieved since 2017. The country’s ranking has dropped by nine places since 2010. Further information Explore the Gender...
With 55.7 out of 100 points, Czechia ranks 21st in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is 11.7 points lower than the EU’s score. Between 2005 and 2017, Czechia’s score increased by only 2.1 points. Czechia is progressing towards gender equality at a slower pace than other EU Member States. Its ranking has dropped by four places...
The recommendations were developed after an in-depth analysis of data collection from the police and justice sectors. They aim to improve administrative data collection on intimate partner violence to better inform policies and to help the Member States meet the monitoring requirements outlined in both Directive 2012/29/EU (the Victims’ Rights Directive) and the Istanbul Convention. Read more Data collection on...
The Gender Equality Index 2017 examines the progress and challenges in achieving gender equality across the European Union from 2005 to 2015. Using a scale from 1 (full inequality) to 100 (full equality), it measures the differences between women and men in key domains of the EU policy framework (work, money, knowledge, time, power and health). The Index also measures...
Many women victims of intimate partner violence in the EU Member States remain unprotected. Perpetrators often go unpunished due to inadequate law enforcement approaches, which do not align with international human rights treaties. A gender-neutral approach to the law, coupled with the unavailability of data and existing stereotypes result in the denial of violence against women and its tolerance or...